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Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction v1.10

Размер файла: 4.69 Мб
Количество скачиваний: 64620
Дата добавления: 29 октября 2003 в 03:29
Патч версии 1.10 к Diablo 2

Изменения, которые вносит патч в игру:

Mysterious World-event

Players of Hell difficulty Realm games are hereby warned that a new, challenging world-event has been added to Diablo II version 1.10. Players of Hardcore characters should be even more wary when encountering superunique monsters during an active world event. Be prepared to execute a hasty Save and Exit, if your situation seems too dangerous.

Fundamental architecture changes/improvements

The skill and monster systems are now completely data-driven. Skill balancing is simpler and quicker. Monster control/populating/creation is simpler. Although done for our needs, mod-makers should like these changes, too. A major result is that nearly any skill can be used by any character class.

A skill now may have synergy Bonuses (similar to masteries) applied by putting points into other skills.

The player stats and inventory system has been completely redone to run more efficiently, improving server performance and stability.

The collision detection system has been sped up significantly. Again, improving server performance.

Specific changes/improvements

Increased difficulty for high-level players to reduce future exploitation of the game system.

Made monsters tougher

Beefed up monster difficulty in Act V, Nightmare, and Hell difficulties. This was accomplished by improving monster stats (hp, ac, etc.) and by boosting their AI/behavior in NM and Hell difficulties (that is, by making decisions more often and by simply moving faster). In Nightmare and Hell difficulties monster damages have generally been increased -- dramatically in some cases.

Reduced the effectiveness of Experience runs, power-leveling, and leeching.

Added randomized (especially ranged-attack) monsters to Nightmare and Hell Act V - e.g., Burning Dead, Imps, etc.

Increased the Experience attached to most Act V monsters in Normal, Nightmare, & Hell difficulties.

Reduced the HP of (Act V) Barbarian soldiers in Nightmare and Hell difficulties.

Increased the rate of occurrence of Unique monsters in Hell difficulty.

Reduced the party member Experience sharing to 0 beyond a maximum distance of about 2 screens from the monster death. This prevents low-level characters from joining a party and then staying completely out of harm's way while still getting Experience.

Increased the Experience penalty for Clvl 70+ as follows: Clvl 1 - 69: 100% Experience Clvl 70 - 99: 85% - 0.8% Experience (approximately exponential decaying)

Encouraged players to play in more of the Diablo II areas/locations/levels.

Reduced drops from the most-run SuperUnique monsters, ThreshSocket and Pindleskin.

Cut Experience and reduced drops in the Cow level.

Randomized the monster populations more thoroughly throughout Act V in Nightmare and Hell difficulties, including the addition of 'guest monsters' from other Acts.

Increased the number of Unique monsters in each area and difficulty.

Improved various Items

Improved the attributes for newly-dropped Rare Armor, Helms, and most Weapons.

Added over 100 new Unique Items, of which 29 can be found only in Ladder games.

Revised Skill balance for all Player Character classes

Amazon - Javelin and Spear Skills

Jab - Increased Attack Rating.

Power Strike - Increased Attack Rating and Damage done to targets. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Poison Javelin - Increased the total amount of Poison Damage and Duration. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Impale - Increased Attack Rating. Increased Damage.

Lightning Bolt - Increased Lightning Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Charged Strike - Increased the number of Charged Bolts released. Reduced average Lightning Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Plague Javelin - Added an Attack Rating bonus. Increased Poison Damage. Increased Poison Duration. Lowered Mana cost per level of skill. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Lightning Strike - Reduced the average Lightning Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Lightning Fury - Rebalanced by increasing the average Lightning Damage. Although it starts lower, it rises rapidly to much higher damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Amazon - Passive and Magic Skills

Inner Sight - Increased the reduction in Enemy Defense. Improved overall.

Valkyrie - Increased Attack Rating and decreased Mana cost. Added resistances and skills like Evade, Dodge, etc. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Decoy - Extensively revised with added resistances and skills like Evade, Dodge, etc.

Amazon - Bow and Crossbow Skills

Magic Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus.

Fire Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Decreased Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Cold Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Increased Cold Damage. Increased Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Exploding Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Increased Fire Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Ice Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Immolation Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Decreased Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Freezing Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Decreased Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Assassin - Martial Arts Skills

Dragon Talon - Increased Attack Rating.

Fists of Fire - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Claws of Thunder - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Blades of Ice - Added skill synergy bonuses.

All kick skills - Increased Attack Rating bonus.

Assassin - Shadow Disciplines

Venom - Fixed duration at 0.4 seconds regardless of poison items equipped.

Shadow Warrior - Increased the Life and resistances.

Assassin - Traps Skills

Fire Blast - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Shock Web - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Charged Bolt Sentry - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Wake of Fire - Slight increase to Damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Lightning Sentry - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Wake of Inferno - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Death Sentry - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Barbarian - Warcries

War Cry - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Shout - Increased duration.

Battle Orders - Increased duration.

Battle Command - Increased duration.

Barbarian - Combat Masteries

Throwing Mastery - Increased the Attack Rating bonus to throwing skills.

Barbarian - Combat Skills

Bash - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Double Swing - Decreased Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Stun - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Double Throw - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Concentrate - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Frenzy - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Druid - Elemental Skills

Firestorm - Increased Fire damage at higher levels. Increased damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Molten Boulder - Added physical damage. Increased damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Arctic Blast - Increased Cold damage at higher levels. Increased damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Fissure - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Cyclone Armor - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Twister - Increased damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Volcano - Added physical damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Tornado - Increased damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Hurricane - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Armageddon - Increased Fire damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Druid - Shape Shifting Skills

Werewolf - Added skill synergy bonuses. Allowed casting of Armageddon.

Werebear - Added skill synergy bonuses. Allowed casting of Armageddon.

Maul - Increased Stun duration.

Rabies - Increased Poison Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Fire Claws - Slight increase to Fire Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Druid - Summoning Skills

Summon Spirit Wolf - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Heart of Wolverine - Increased radius of effect and Life.

Summon Dire Wolf - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Oak Sage - Increased radius of effect.

Spirit of Barbs - Increased Life.

Summon Grizzly - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Necromancer - Summoning Skills

Skeleton Mastery - Increased Damage of non-Skeletal 'pets'. Increased Life of Skeletal 'pets'.

Raise Skeleton - Increased Skeleton Life, Attack Rating, and Defense. Decreased the maximum number of Skeletons that can be summoned as follows: the first 3 skill points in Raise Skeleton still yield 1 Skeleton per point (as in 1.09), however, subsequent Skeletons now require 3 skill points each. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Clay Golem - Added the ability to slow players and monsters on hit. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Raise Skeletal Mage - Increased Damage. Decreased the maximum number of Skeletal Mages that can be summoned as follows: the first 3 skill points in Raise Skeletal Mage still yield 1 Mage per point (as in 1.09), however, subsequent Mages now require 3 skill points each. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Blood Golem - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Iron Golem - Added Defense bonus. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Fire Golem - Increased Fire Damage. Added Holy Fire Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Necromancer - Poison and Bone Skills

Teeth - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Bone Armor - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Poison Dagger - Increased Attack Rating. Increased Duration. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Bone Wall - Cut duration in half. Life decreased. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Poison Explosion - Increased Duration. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Bone Spear - Increased Magic Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Bone Prison - Cut duration in half. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Poison Nova - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Bone Spirit - Increased Magic Damage at highest levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Paladin - Combat Skills

Holy Bolt - Increased Magic damage. Ignores resistances of Undead. Increased Healing to non-monster characters.

Blessed Hammer - Increased high-level damage. Ignores resistances of Undead and Demons. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Vengeance - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Sacrifice - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Holy Shield - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Fist of the Heavens - Ignores resistances of Undead and Demons. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Zeal - Increased damage above level 4. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Charge - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Paladin - Offensive Auras

Might - Increased area of effect.

Holy Fire - Added Fire Damage to attack. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Thorns - Increased area of effect.

Blessed Aim - Increased area of effect.

Holy Freeze - Added Cold Damage to attack. Added aura damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Holy Shock - Rebalanced the area of effect. Increased Lightning Damage on attack. Improved damage ramp. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Sanctuary - Increased Magic Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Paladin - Defensive Auras

Prayer - Increased Healing and area of effect.

Resist Fire - Increased area of effect.

Defiance - Increased area of effect.

Resist Cold - Increased area of effect.

Resist Lightning - Increased area of effect.

Cleansing - Increased area of effect. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Meditation - Increased area of effect. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Redemption - Increased area of effect.

Salvation - Increased area of effect.

Sorceress - Cold Spells

Ice Bolt - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Frozen Armor - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Frost Nova - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Ice Blast - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Shiver Armor - Increased Cold Damage. Increased Cold Duration. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Glacial Spike - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Blizzard - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Chilling Armor - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

Frozen Orb - Added skill synergy bonus.

Sorceress - Lightning Spells

Charged Bolt - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Energy Shield - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Nova - Rebalanced Lightning Damage.

Lightning - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Chain Lightning - Added skill synergy bonuses.

Sorceress - Fire Spells

Fire Bolt - Increased
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