, прохождение игры Front Mission Evolved, Amy, Quake 4 NoCD

One-Hand DamageLevel RequirementMin StrengthMin DexterityAttack RangeDurabilityMax SocketsSpeed

33 to 58 (45.5 Avg)40125670282[0]
Ama, Asn, B, D, N, P - Fast
S - Normal

Small Crescent
38 to 60 (49 Avg)45115831244[10]
Asn, P - Fast
Ama, B, D,N, S, - Normal

Ettin Axe
33 to 66 (49.5 Avg)52145451245[10]
Asn, P - Fast
Ama, B, D, N, S, - Normal

War Spike
30 to 48 (39 Avg)59133541266[-10]
Asn, P - Very Fast
Ama, B, D, N, S, - Fast

Berserker Axe
24 to 71 (47.5 Avg)64138592266[0]
Ama, Asn, B, D, N, P - Fast
S - Normal

Two-Hand DamageLevel RequirementMin StrengthMin DexterityAttack RangeDurabilityMax SocketsSpeed

Feral Axe
25 to 123 (74 Avg)42196-2304[-15]
D, S - Very Fast
N, P - Fast
Ama, Asn, B, - Normal

Silver-Edged Axe
62 to 110 (86 Avg)48166652355[0]
D, P, S - Fast
Ama, Asn, B, N - Normal

49 to 137 (93 Avg)54189332405[10]
D - Fast
N, S - Normal
Ama, Asn, B, P - Slow

Champion Axe
59 to 94 (76.5 Avg)61167592506[-10]
D - Very Fast
N, P, S - Fast
B, Ama, Asn - Normal

Glorious Axe
60 to 124 (92 Avg)66164553506[10]
D - Fast
N, S - Normal
Ama, Asn, B, P - Slow