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Shoot DamageMin StrengthMin DexterityMax SocketsSpeed

Light Crossbow
6 to 9 (7.5 Avg)21273[-10]
Ama, Asn, B, D, N, P, S - Normal

9 to 16 (12.5 Avg)40334[0]
D, N, S - Normal
Ama, Asn, B, P - Slow

Heavy Crossbow
14 to 26 (20 Avg)60406[10]
B, D, N, P, S - Slow
Ama, Asn - Very Slow

Repeating Crossbow
6 to 12 (9 Avg)40505[-40]
D, N, S - Very Fast
Ama, Asn, B, P - Fast