, Cold Fear patch, трейнер для Aion: The Tower of Eternity, Precursors patch

Throw DamageOne-Hand DamageMin StrengthMin DexterityAttack RangeMax QuantitySpeed

6 to 14 (10 Avg)1 to 5 (3 Avg)--260[-10]
Ama, Asn - Very FastB, D, N, P, S - Fast

7 to 20 (13.5 Avg)4 to 9 (6.5 Avg)-45250[0]
Ama, Asn, B, D, N, S - Fast
P - Normal

Short Spear
10 to 22 (16 Avg)2 to 13 (7.5 Avg)4040240[10]
Ama, Asn - Fast
B, D, N, P, S - Normal

16 to 22 (19 Avg)5 to 17 (11 Avg)5235240[20]
Ama, Asn - Normal
B, D, N, P, S - Slow

Throwing Spear
12 to 30 (21 Avg)5 to 15 (10 Avg)-65280[-10]
Ama, Asn - Very Fast
B, D, N, P, S - Fast