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Снова про imbue
Act I: Quest 5: Tools of the Trade (Imbue)
Imbue creates a new rare item out of the base item you want to Imbue. The stats of the base item do not matter as it is only used to determine what type of rare item will result from using Imbue. Also, the quality of the item used (Superior, Normal, Damaged, etc.) does not affect the new item. So don't waste your time looking for a Superior Item or for specific Defense because it doesn't matter. Any properties of the old item are lost when the new rare item is created. Your character level determines what magical properties your new rare item can have, so characters with higher levels have more, but not always better, options available. Consult the Magic Prefix and Suffix pages for a listing of Magical Bonuses and levels. Since the magical properties on the item created are random, you might not always receive a 'good item' from Imbue.
It's often best to save your Imbue and use it on an Exceptional or Elite Item.
Rare armor or weapon has item level = character level + 4.
affix calculator
Подскажите каким лвл лучше имбить следующие вещи, что получить максимальное количество ед:
- eth elite kogti( suwayah, rt, battle cestus, war fist) - пока это есть в наличие
- eth matriarh javelini
- eth naga/ba
Был бы рад также почитать более-менее понятный материал по imbue :))