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Dota Allstars 6.72 Changelog(eng. version)

Irades   28 апреля 2011 в 13:21

Ancient Apparition
- Armor reduced from 4 to 2

- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 1
- Battle Hunger rescaled from 15/17/25/33 to 15/21/27/33 damage per second

Bane Elemental
- Brain Sap cooldown decreased from 16 to 14
- Fiend's Grip now gives vision of the target
- Enfeeble now reduces attack damage by a constant amount

- Armor reduced by 1

- Greater Hawk's invisibility fade time decreased from 8 to 5 seconds
- Wild Axes now move at similar speed to the max range (so it isn't as slow for short range targeting)
- Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade

- Bloodbath assist AoE increased from 200 to 225

Bounty Hunter
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Jinada cooldown decreased from 15/12/9/6 to 12/10/8/6

- Warpath damage per stack increased from 4/8/12 to 10/15/20

Centaur Warchief
- Movement speed increased from 300 to 305
- Double Edge cooldown decreased from 12 to 10
- Hoof Stomp cooldown decreased from 15 to 13

Chaos Knight
- Base strength increased by 3
- Chaos Bolt damage improved from 1-200 to 1-200/50-225/75-250/100-275
- Chaos Bolt now has a floating text indicator for the damage done

- Test of Faith's secondary ability to teleport units is now a part of Holy Persuasion instead (377809)

Clockwerk Goblin
- Armor reduced by 1

Crystal Maiden
- Freezing Field level 1 manacost decreased from 300 to 200

Dark Seer
- Wall of Replica illusion damage improved from 70% to 70/80/90%
- Added an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade (and visual effect) (339914)

Doom Bringer
- Doom's duration decreased from 14 to 13 seconds (Aghanim's Doom is still 14)

Dragon Knight
- Breathe Fire damage rescaled from 75/150/225/300 to 90/170/240/300

Drow Ranger
- Previous sight range nerf reverted (from 6.68)

- Echo Slam initial damage reduced from 165/230/285 to 160/210/270

- Aghanim's Impetus range bonus increased from +150 extra to +165

Faceless Void
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Aghanim's upgraded Chronosphere cooldown decreased from 75 to 60
- Chronosphere now reveals Invisible units
- Chronosphere cast range improved from 500/550/600 to 600
- Time Walk slow affects all units along his path, instead of just at the destination

- Wrath of Nature bounce count improved from 12/14/16 (14/16/18 w/Scepter) to 16 (18/Scepter)

Guardian Wisp
- Base damage increased from 33-42 to 43-52
- Attack range increased from 525 to 575
- Tether movement speed bonus reduced from 15/20/25/30% to 20%
- Tether stun duration rebalanced from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 to 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25
- Spirits Oscillation subabilities no longer interrupt Wisp's movement
- Spirits now circle slightly faster when there are fewer alive
- Spirits no longer slow
- Spirits life duration increased by 3 seconds
- Spirits now spawn over 4 second interval instead of 6

- Overcharge Reworked

- Agility growth increased from 2.4 to 2.8
- Rocket Barrage cooldown rescaled from 6.5 to 7/6.5/6/5.5 seconds
- Added an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade (and visual effect)

- Burning Spears minimum HP requirement removed (it is still non-lethal)
- Life Break cast mechanism changed

- Icarus Dive cooldown decreased from 40 to 30
- Icarus Dive no longer makes Phoenix spell immune. If he is disabled during it, he stops
- Sun Ray no longer slows
- Sun Ray damage from 10/20/30/40 + 5% to 15/30/45/60 + 4%
- Sun Ray turn rate slightly improved
- Fire Spirits now trigger in the area around you and your target when you use Target Fire Spirits

- No longer gets interrupted by casting orbs or invoke

- Base damage reduced by 5
- Alacrity can now target mechanical units (1680)
- Alacrity manacost increased from 50 to 100
- Alacrity bonus damage & attack speed decreased from 30->90 to 20->80
- Cold Snap now requires a minimum of 10 damage before it triggers
- Ice Wall no longer affects magic immune units
- The Invoke combinations are now displayed in the ability tooltip
- Fixed some issues with how Invoke tracks your recently casted spells

- Macropyre AoE increased from 200 to 225

- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Blade Dance critical strike chance rescaled from 10/20/25/35% to 15/20/25/35%

- Ghost Ship stun increased from 1 to 1.2 seconds
- Tidebringer cooldown rescaled from 16/12/8/4 to 13/10/7/4

- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Witchcraft bonuses rescaled to be more straightforward

- Psi Blades width increased from 70 to 80

- Reincarnation now does a 700 AoE 3 second 30% slow around the area where he respawns
- Reincarnation delay decreased from 5/4.5/4 to 3 seconds

- Dark Ritual cooldown rescaled from 30/27/24/21 to 35/30/25/20

Lina Inverse
- Aghanim's Laguna Blade cast range increased from 600 to 900

Lone Druid
- Spirit Bear's Demolish decreased from 60% to 40% bonus damage versus buildings

Lord of Avernus
- Aphotic Shield cast range increased from 350 to 450

- Lunar Blessing rescaled from 8/16/24/32 to 14/20/26/32

- Wolves move speed increased from 400 to 400/420/440/460
- Wolves collision size reduced a bit

- Base attack time improved from 1.45 to 1.35

- Cast point reduced
- Empower cast range increased from 500 to 800
- Skewer's number of enemy units dragged rescaled from 2 to 1/2/3/4

- Added an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade

- Armor reduced by 2
- Replicate now has a visual time (player only) that counts down its duration
- Morph now has a visual effect

- Reworked Infest

Naga Siren
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Nearby Naga Siren illusions now play the Ensnare animation (98895)

- Critical Strike replaced with Rip Tide

- Song of the Siren reworked

- Reaper's Scythe reworked slightly

Nerubian Weaver
- Armor reduced by 1
- The Swarm damage rescaled from 21/24/27/30 to 15/20/25/30

- Hunter in the Night movement bonus rescaled from 15/20/30/35 to 20/25/30/35%
- Hunter in the Night attack speed bonus rescaled from 20/35/55/75 to 30/45/60/75

Obsidian Destroyer
- Intelligence growth increased from 2.8 to 3.3

- Purification cast range increased from 400 to 400/500/600/700

Pandaren Brewmaster
- Drunken Haze duration increased from 7 to 8 seconds
- Primal Split Earth panda now carries the hero's auras around him

Pit Lord
- Model size slightly reduced
- Cast Point decreased from 0.75 to 0.60
- Dark Rift level 1 can now target units
- Expulsion reworked slightly

- Pit of Malice duration decreased from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
- Pit of Malice now deals 100 damage when it affects a unit
- Pit of Malice now creates 5 corpses in the cast area
- Firestorm reworked

- Base damage increased by 4
- Waning Rift silence duration rebalanced from 0.1/1/2/3 to 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 seconds (41433)

- Rot damage increased from 25/50/75/100 to 35/60/85/110

Queen of Pain
- Sonic Wave damage rescaled from 290/430/600 to 350/475/600

- Base damage increased by 5
- Ether Shock target count rescaled from 3/4/6/7 to 1/3/5/7
- Ether Shock damage rescaled from 80/160/240/320 to 140/200/260/320
- Mass Serpent Wards are now automatically added to your unit selection upon cast (411025)

- Armor reduced by 1
- Nature's Guise now gives the unit a 10% movement speed bonus
- Nature's Guise keeps the target invisible for up to 1 second after leaving the proximity of a tree, except during the initial cast
- Nature's Guise cooldown increased from 3 seconds to 10/8/6/4 seconds
- Overgrowth rebalanced

- Living Armor Reworked

- Forest Sentinel Replaced with Leech Seed

Sand King
- Armor increased by 1

Shadow Priest
- Poison Touch damage increased from 7/14/21/28 to 8/16/24/32

Shadow Demon
- Disruption manacost increased from 75 to 120
- Disruption cooldown rescaled from 16 to 25/22/19/16
- Disruption illusion duration rescaled from 6 to 5/6/7/8
- Changed Shadow Demon's hero model

- Movement speed increased from 290 to 300
- Curse of the Silent cast range decreased from 900 to 800
- Glaives of Wisdom cooldown from 2/0/0/0 to 0
- Last Word is now muted when Silencer is stunned (previously it was only when silenced)
- Last Word no longer triggers on Spell-Attacks (Frost Arrows, Burning Spears, etc)
- Last Word AoE decreased from 900 to 750
- Last Word now steals a point of intelligence if Silencer gets a killing blow on a hero

- Amplify Damage armor reduction increased from 5/10/15 to 8/12/16

- Strength growth increased from 1.0 to 1.8
- Intelligence growth increased from 1.6 to 1.9
- Agility growth reduced from 2.0 to 1.5
- Essence Shift now reduces each stat by 1 on attacks (no longer reduces the primary by 2)
- Essence Shift agility bonus reduced from 4 to 3 per attack
- Essence Shift duration increased from 15/30/45/60 to 15/30/60/120
- Essence Shift permanently reduces each stat of a hero Slark kills by 1 and he gains 3 Agi permanently
- Pounce no longer hits non-hero units
- Pounce AoE increased from 85 to 95
- Pounce's speed fixed to be the same at all levels (426269)

Spirit Breaker
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Greater Bash now gives a 3 second 15% movement speed bonus whenever you land a bash
- Charge of Darkness Reworked

Stealth Assassin
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Blink Strike cooldown rescaled from 30/20/10/5 to 20/15/10/5
- Smoke Screen cast range increased from 350 to 425
- Smoke Screen cooldown decreased from 15 to 13 seconds

- Great Cleave AoE increased from 175 to 200

Tauren Chieftain
- Ancestral Spirit now has a secondary ability that returns the spirit (398706)

- Ancestral Spirit cooldown decreased from 19 to 16
- Ancestral Spirit cast range increased from 1000 to 1200

- Aghanim's Remote Mine cast range decreased from 900 to 700
- Land Mine limit increased from 15 to 20
- Suicide Squad, Attack! now gives Techies XP for kills he gets with it
- Suicide Squad, Attack! cooldown from 75 to 180/170/160/150
- Suicide Squad, Attack! now causes Techies death time to be reduced by 50%
- Detonate All subability of Remote Mine removed

- Movement speed increased from 300 to 310
- Sunder HP limit now applies to yourself

- Sunder cooldown rescaled from 200/120/60 to 160/110/60
- Metamorphosis reworked

- Conjure Image replaced with Zeal

- Soul Steal replaced with Reflection

- Anchor Smash reworked

- Heat Seeking Missile now hits 2 units at all levels

- Tossed allied units no longer take damage (they used to take a portion of the damage)

Troll Warlord
- Cast point reduced by 0.3
- Berserker Rage transformation time removed (was 0.1 sec)
- Blind replaced with Whirling Axes

- Ice Shards now kills trees around the area it is created
- Snowball no longer moves faster based on the allies inside of it

Ursa Warrior
- Enrage no longer triggers an additional Fury Swipes hit
- Earthshock damage increased from 70/120/170/220 to 90/140/190/240
- Fury Swipes duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
- Overpower cast time removed

Vengeful Spirit
- Aghanim's Nether Swap can now target creeps (339914)

- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75

- Corrosive Skin now stacks with Poison Attack

- Base Strength decreased from 25 to 22
- Strength growth increased from 2.2 to 2.4
- Soul Assumption manacost rescaled from 150 to 200/180/160/140
- Familiars HP improved from 300/400/500 to 300/450/600

- Fatal Bonds link count increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
- Fatal Bonds casting range increased from 600 to 800
- Upheaval cooldown decreased from 65 to 50

- Shackleshot cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds

Witch Doctor
- Death Ward is automatically added to your unit selection upon cast (451843)

- Arc Lightning cooldown decreased from 2.25 to 2.0
- Arc Lightning manacost improved from 65/72/79/87 to 65/70/75/80

• Added a new hero (Rubick)

Ancient Janggo of Endurance
- Charges can now be refreshed by buying the recipe

Animal Courier and Flying Courier
- Added a short cooldown on Courier and Flying Courier recipe buying to prevent accidental double buys
- Minimap indicator is now shown at the location where a courier dies
- Resume Delivery ability added, upon use the courier will resume its previous deliver action (1680)

Assault Cuirass
- Assault Cuirass recipe cost decreased from 1500 to 1300

- Now starts with 5 charges
- Can no longer be disassembled

Boots of Travel
- Double clicking now teleports you to fountain
- Towers no longer stop attacking when you teleport to them
- Creeps no longer stop moving when you teleport to them

Buriza Do Kyanon
- Critical strike chance increased from 20% to 25%

- Critical Strike chance increased from 15% to 20%

Diffusal Blade
- Purge cooldown decreased from 12 to 8
- Purge now removes Ghost Scepter's Ghost Form

Ethereal Blade
- Ether Blast's slow increased from 45% to 60%
- Can now be disassembled (404895)

Force Staff
- Can no longer push units out of Chronosphere

Gem of True Sight
- Stock cooldown increased from 6 to 8 minutes

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse
- Mana regeneration decreased from 200% to 150%

Hand of Midas
- Hand of Midas now gives a constant amount of gold

- Hand of Midas gold is now reliable
- Hand of Midas manacost removed (25->0)

Healing Salve
- Stock cooldown removed

Heart of Tarrasque
- Melee heroes now only have to wait 4 seconds after taking player damage for the regeneration to activate

Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
- Barrier's duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds

Lothar's Edge
- Wind Walk's bonus damage increased from 125 to 150

- Recipe cost decreased from 800 to 600 (417406)

- Recipe cost increased from 400 to 600
- IAS bonus increased from 70 to 80 to match it's components

- Warrior's Last Will damage rescaled from 200/400/600 to 400/500/600
- Archer's aura AoE increased to standard aura sizes (900)

Orb of Venom
- Orb of Venom price decreased from 500 to 450

Orchid Malevolence
- Soul Burn's damage recurrence increased from 20% to 25%

Quelling Blade
- Can now be sold

Refresher Orb
- Cooldown decreased from 210 to 160

Ring of Basilius
- No longer interrupts your hero when toggled

- Lesser Maim is no longer an Orb effect

Sange and Yasha
- Greater Maim is no longer an Orb effect

Smoke of Deceit
- Dispel AoE from heroes and towers increased from 850 to 950
- Stock cooldown increased from 10 to 12 minutes

Stygian Desolator
- Corruption effect now works on buildings

Urn of Shadows
- Double clicking will now self-cast Soul Release

• Added a new item to the Arcane Sanctum shop (Veil of Discord)

• Heroes now get XP if they get a kill outside of the standard XP range
• Increased the width of the sentinel ramp between Roshan and the Rune spawn
• Neutral spawn empty check no longer considers corpses in its spawn rules
• Improved courier deliver movement AI (Harreke)
• Added Buyback cost to Observer Scoreboard (430973)
• Added Nerubian Assassin to CM
• Added Shadow Demon to CM

• Rearranged group selection priority when selecting multiple shops (433891)
• Added new -stats (-st) command that replaces individual hero commands to show stats specific to the hero (replaces -gg, -aa, -int, -mines, -souls, -fs, -ha, -mc) (1680)
• Rebalanced all Melee heroes between 100 and 128 range to be 128 range

• Flying Courier has a new model (Frost Wyrm)
• Animal Courier has a new model (Grunt, It's not easy being green!)
• Satyr Hellcaller Shockwave damage increased from 100 to 125
• Enemy wards now have a visual effect around them to allow you to more easily distinguish allied wards from enemy wards
• Shops now have an animation (for the player only) when you select them (431929)

• Fortify Buildings glyph ability now prevents magic damage as well
• Added -disablehelp support for Snowball
• Added a new command -msa to display the speed of all your allies (443896)
• Added a new debug command -respawn
• Swapped the location of the Intelligence and Agility Taverns (410467)
• -ER (experimental runes) mode reworked, now enables runes spawn in both locations past 40 minutes
• Rearranged Observer Scoreboard to make it easier to see the creep stats for a hero
• Improved the ability display for Split Shot toggle (82888)
• Clockwerk Goblin now has a visual effect with Aghanim's Scepter
• Invoker now has a visual effect with Aghanim's Scepter
• Thrall's class renamed from Far Seer to Disruptor
• Tombstone now has a sound effect when cast
• Rikimaru's Blink Strike has a new special effect (4131913)
• Craggy Exterior now has a visual effect when it stuns someone (118263)
• Omnislash has a new initial cast animation (430613)
• Nature's Guise has a new icon (432222)
• Refraction now has two status icons to differentiate between attack and defense effects
• Shadowraze has a new visual effect
• Scream of Pain has a new visual effect
• Added a new icon for Fatal Bonds
• Improved Sonic Wave sound and visuals (215238)
• Lina's attack old attack projectile is now restored
• Lina's fire hands visual effect have been improved
• Added a new Epicenter visual effect (216828)
• Added a new hero icon for Phoenix (378880)
• Added a new icon for Overgrowth

• Added Greek language support

• Fixed Courier stopping and standing still in the middle of its delivery path if the hero disappears (Astral Imprisonment, Disruption, etc)
• Fixed a bug with Phase Boots that could cause Smoke of Deceit invisibility to last a little bit extra after it should be revealed
• Fixed Scream of Pain not hitting fogged or invisible units
• Fixed item chest sometimes being hard to click when buying with full inventory at side shops (408678)
• Fixed courier command panel sometimes getting bugged if the courier is carrying certain items
• Fixed the Collect Items function causing an enemy gem to be teleported back to their base
• Fixed Flying Courier from being able to right click on a powerup to waste it
• Fixed Natural Order and Ice Vortex interaction with spell resistance items
• Fixed Buyback wasting gold and cooldown if used while reviving with Aegis
• Fixed creep spawn count increase timer starting from game load rather than creep spawn (421973)
• Fixed Impetus damage cap reverting it to zero instead of remaining at the cap at long distances
• Fixed Shackleshot not stunning the secondary target if it went into fog while the projectile was flying
• Fixed deaths during Primal Split from counting as suicides
• Fixed the selection type for Mass Serpent Wards, Death Ward and Plague Wards so they behave like normal units from UI
• Fixed a rare bug that sometimes caused level 1-3 of Necromastery to be a little higher than its max
• Fixed Blur triggering on heroes with an invisibility buff
• Fixed a bug with TB disappearing from map
• Fixed Sun Ray continuing while reincarnating with Aegis
• Fixed Plasma Field AoE damage not hitting invisible units
• Fixed Desolator against Swarm units
• Fixed Desolator against Seeking Missile
• Fixed Overcharge sometimes turning off by itself
• Fixed some rare bugs with Time Walk that could cause it to jump much further
• Fixed a bug with Phase Boots and Spectral Dagger
• Fixed a rare visual glitch possible with Dream Coil
• Fixed Pudge being unable to cast Meat Hook when Ethereal (443782)
• Fixed a bug with how Stone Gaze levels up
• Fixed a bug with how the slow on Demonic Purges levels up
• Fixed Charge of Darkness using up Linken's Sphere but continuing anyways
• Fixed Meat Hook from wasting Linken's Sphere
• Fixed Laser's blind effect not getting removed by Dark Pact
• Fixed Jinada charge getting wasted on structures
• Fixed Armlet sometimes draining extra HP when you interact with your inventory
• Fixed Smoke of Deceit from getting temporarily applied if enemies are already in range
• Fixed being able to buy smoke and gem at enemy base (404663)
• Fixed Lifestealer continuing to lose HP via Armlet while he is infesting a unit
• Fixed some rare bugs with Juggernaut becoming permanently magic immune and silenced
• Fixed a bug with RD that allowed you to make the heroes move
• Fixed some edges in the Roshan area where you could place a ward
• Fixed Gem allied visual effect sometimes not showing up
• Fixed Urn of Shadows ignoring Linken's Sphere
• Fixed Ethereal Blade ignoring Linken's Sphere
• Fixed Primal Roar not being blocked properly by Linken's Sphere
• Fixed Waveform sometimes moving a little further than it should
• Added safety code to Nether Strike preventing cases that teleported SB into the enemy fountain
• Time Lapse now starts remembering locations when Weaver is picked instead of when it is skilled
• Fixed lots of old tooltip inconsistencies

ustrix   2 мая 2011 в 18:05

А Русской нет ?
ето пздц товарищи...
Centaur Warchief
- Movement speed increased from 300 to 305
- Hoof Stomp cooldown decreased from 15 to 13

ета зверюга итак бегает с ботами чуть-ли не на равне с любым магом с тревелами... так ему ище и скорость повышают
плюс ко всем не так давно удар на 400 непомню названия сделали без маны.. так теперь еще и кд стана уменьшили, который и так был маленький, жесть товарисчи