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BPRD ABE   3 мая 2021 в 22:25

Hello evo, KsM] - [Carlthepw is MH, and he also shares the mh with other players, it is a shame that he is part of the organization, if you who are a staff use mh, you set a bad example, they banned egreys for that very reason reason. .. in the end it seems that the Egreys publication has many truthsa. The entire Latino community already knows that CARLTHEPW uses MH, but the organization defends it Att:[BPRD]-ABE

Carlthepower   3 мая 2021 в 22:48

In the first instance, what is observed there is part of a tutorial to identify players who make use of map hacking, not how to make use of this program, in the second it seems indelicate that incomplete information is disseminated only to harm a player , and in third it goes against my morals as a player the use of map hacking only to win games to other people and I will always reject that behavior as well as the fact that this image is part of a private room and later after making the tutorial to identify cheats this program was deleted. I consider it a total indelication to disseminate incomplete information just to overshadow someone else's image and I trust the good judgment of the administrators so that they understand that this post is malicious and it shows that there was disinformation, because I do not use or will not use mh in multiplayer because I just don't need to cheat in a game since that won't make you better, it will only show how little or no reasoning you have, also I have tried so hard to ban players who do use this type of cheating on the server as if to accuse me, without a repetition and without solid evidence which there is not since the uploaded image does not even come from my pc

Carlthepower   3 мая 2021 в 22:50

Another thing is that if I used mh it would not be so sinic to report other players who used it, I do not think that an injustice is committed and more without having serious evidence that I have used this type of thing in multiplayer which is what makes it in an illegal action.

Carlthepower   3 мая 2021 в 22:52

And finally, do not trust what the player calu abraham publishes since he has presented an extremely toxic behavior that led to his being temporarily expelled from the ksm group but unfortunately it shows that he has not learned anything and this defamation is proof of this

Carlthepower   3 мая 2021 в 22:54

They are slandering me in believing that I use map hacking in games with other players when it is clearly seen that it was done in isolation and I repeat that I am not going to use that to beat anyone because it is simply not worth it that does not make you better

Carlthepower   3 мая 2021 в 23:32

ya quisieras xd yo nunca voy a usar esa basura y de ahí a que te dejes llevar por imágenes con información incompleta es cosa tuya, por otra parte asegúrate de que en tu grupo de WhatsApp no lo distribuyan viejo ya que investigando me di cuenta que en tu grupo si lo compartieron

Carlthepower   3 мая 2021 в 23:42

no veo por que no te acusas tu

Carlthepower   3 мая 2021 в 23:43

I'm sorry but in the first instance I do not use, I have requested or distributed map pieration, contrary to what I see here, my friend,

K0RNY   3 мая 2021 в 23:59

Unsuccessful attempt to blame the player. Carl reported to the administration a lot of cases with a map hack on other players, while attaching replays. No player sent as many replays as he did.

I also played a lot of games with him and against him, I never even had a suspicion that he was using cheats in multiplayer games. This, of course, does not mean that he has protection and can do anything. But the fact is, he was never suspected of using a map hack.
If you have any suspicions that Carl or any other player is using a map hack, then you must inform the administration on e-mail: and attach a replay, after which a conclusion will be made.

And for such attempts to blame the player without proof, you can be banned yourself!