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My Server vs Rubattle

Diego Fernandes   16 июня 2011 в 08:21

Hello Rubattle,

As the tittle says i am from another server, and the reason why i am here is simple, i wanna make a special tournament between our servers.

Firstly, i'd like to say that you guys are very mannered and that was one of the reasons why i wanna bring this project to RU.

My nick in RU is iMc, while in the server i came from is In.My.ConTroL. I am tournaments administrator there, we did more than 1000 tournaments already but i'd like to try something different, which would bring a lot of fun to both sides.

This tournament consists in 5 matches, where 4 of them would be played as 1v1 (bo3) and the other should be a 2v2 (bo3).

Each server counts with:

(1) Manager - (Tournaments leader or any other chosen by your server)
(4) Players - (The best 4 players from each server)
(2) Substitutes - (To replace those who're not able to come)

This tournament should be played as a CW, those who play the 1v1 matches will be able to play the team one too.

System: Normal, not as NGL neither ESL.

The player that scores 2 wins against his opponent, gets 1 point for his server, the server that scores 3 points is the winner.

Veto: There will be a list with 7 maps, each player will veto 3 maps (by turns) and the map left will be the one to be played. The one who loses the first match, will pick the next map and so on.

Host/Place: This tournament supposed to be something impossible since it's hard to avoid the lag issues, BUT we got a special bot which is hosted in U.S.A and LONDON, where even South Americans are able to play without lag/delay.
Actually, everyone is able to play in perfect conditions at our bots, but sadly there's no way to bring our bot to another server, and that's why this tournament must be done in our server.

I am not advertising my server neither trying to get players from RU, it's just a special event and i hope we can make it happen :)

In case you wanna know something else about me and my server, type on google, admins are able to check my e-mail so i will be waiting for answers.

EB Staff.

TheHolo   16 июня 2011 в 08:51

что за...
ввел в гугл ничего похожего на инфу о сервере нет.
"more than 1000 tournaments" - L@L
чья-то злая шутка, имха

MLpro   16 июня 2011 в 16:05

"чья-то злая шутка, имха"

Diego Fernandes   17 июня 2011 в 02:22

So, do you think i am kidding ?
Our tournaments page:

We're currently at tournament #989, there are also another special tournaments made by me, where i have 3 moderators at tournaments section working alongside me, 3 hacks team members checking replays/players and the coders team, who help us out to build the brackets, images and other things.

Take a look at our Pro Ladder Tournament II (2011):


I am not kidding, i am tournaments admin from, this is not advertising and i just want to bring fun to both of our members.

Hope i will be taken seriously from now on.


TheHolo   17 июня 2011 в 06:47

So, if you're seriously, then please contact with an Admin. Send e-mail ( or contact him in an ICQ (you can find it here (ghost-it). I think it would be resonably, cause it's the only way to get an answer.

Diego Fernandes   17 июня 2011 в 08:24

That link is really useful, thank you.

OUT.OFf.CONTROL   17 июня 2011 в 20:12

InMyControl!!!i am ur fan , and also virus 2)) some time i played in, ur server have more skillfull gamers> 4:0, cuz i know Virus is gosu,SPORK is gosu, InMyControl is gosu, and BoC or HiC or DaV i think are gosu 2. InMyControl i like ur akka , i play in rubattle with him,sow if u wanna i can give it to you.P.S. it will be very good if u will teach me to play with ur main race))

Diego Fernandes   17 июня 2011 в 20:47

\o/ no worries, i got my account already ;D

Virus and Spork are inactive, they need some weeks of training.
Dav and BoC wont show up for sure, and currently HiC's brother is the best one ([iW]Drec).

We got some other players, like GneV and ScR3amofhe11, we'll see... i am waiting for Ghost's answer about this project.

EpicFeatRuin   17 июня 2011 в 20:49

я всё понял

OUT.OFf.CONTROL   17 июня 2011 в 21:50

Diego i know them also,but they are not top 4 of eurobattle, top 10^))

OUT.OFf.CONTROL   17 июня 2011 в 21:59

Diego i have one more question, do u have a time and wish to teach me, im not total noob,just wanna to play with high lvl gamers..

Diego Fernandes   17 июня 2011 в 23:53

We're not high leveled players oO
I found some players better than me in RU and also i don't have that free time anymore.
I just came here to make this tournament :)

OUT.OFf.CONTROL   18 июня 2011 в 12:09

better than you?axaxaxa WHO ARE THEM?