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O-Javier-O   11 ноября 2019 в 16:07

Hello, administrators, I want to request that the ID ban that I have from my O-Javier-O account be withdrawn since I registered it without any valid justification. I am a player who has been playing on this server for years and it is not possible to give me Give me what another player says. I play all my games. I am very well known on the server. Being a quiet player and not messing with anyone, I always follow the rules. I can't believe they give me a ban just because another player gives it to them, PD : there are other players who break the rules and you do nothing like this that only does team kill and in 1 day I reach top 2 and you do nothing GOVNO_V_YNITAZE, Or this WhatAfuckYouDo that was done with all the tops in only 4 days, as I said I have years playing on your server I do not think you just give ban for what another player says Please withdraw the ban from my account is the only thing I ask for thanks