, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 ключ, скачать Казаки 2: Наполеоновские Войны бесплатно, Syndicate (2012) трейнер

Soul Ring

  • Стоимость: 800
    Бонус: +3 HP regeneration+50% Mana regenerationSacrifice (active)
    Место продажи: Gateway Relics
    Описание: none

    Sacrifices 150 HP to temporarily gain 150 Mana
    If the Mana gain cannot fit in your Mana pool, it creates a buffer of Mana that is used before your Mana pool
    Lasts 10 seconds, Mana in the Mana buffer that is not used in this time is lost
    Has a 25 second cooldown

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