, Амнезия. Призрак прошлого patch, Sid Meier's Pirates! (2004) официальный сайт, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 на Wii

Статистика игр DotA пользователя Apcen[T]
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills9931809939
Creep Kills106231648310433
Creep Denies507766449
Tower Kills209347223
Total Gold241151462929224667
Последние игры пользователя Apcen[T]
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2013-05-12 04:54:04
apso 37m12s
ScourgeWin5 / 4 / 374 / 120 / 0004032
2013-04-05 14:22:27
arso 54m23s
ScourgeLoss10 / 10 / 4138 / 70 / 1282513
2013-04-05 13:22:56
arso 54m39s
ScourgeLoss18 / 4 / 5170 / 50 / 12101396 H07I
2013-04-04 20:58:43
arso 71m40s
ScourgeWin15 / 8 / 4163 / 80 / 03663504
2013-04-04 19:44:01
arso 1m1s
ScourgeWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 0000
2013-04-03 22:00:56
arso 35m0s
ScourgeWin14 / 2 / 4108 / 50 / 030885
2013-04-03 16:43:05
arso 62m56s
SentinelWin4 / 5 / 1073 / 10 / 0108
2013-04-03 15:39:05
arso 35m39s
SentinelWin17 / 4 / 262 / 10 / 0203425
2013-04-03 15:00:37
arso 38m40s
ScourgeLoss5 / 4 / 945 / 130 / 0111096 E02U
2013-04-01 21:40:47
arso 66m27s
ScourgeWin14 / 12 / 6262 / 50 / 0211378
2013-03-31 20:01:32
arso 31m8s
ScourgeWin9 / 4 / 294 / 90 / 020753
2013-03-31 19:26:04
arso 30m40s
ScourgeWin21 / 9 / 283 / 40 / 0000
2013-03-31 18:54:08
arso 45m3s
SentinelWin0 / 5 / 864 / 20 / 01132282
2013-03-31 02:44:51
apso 36m13s
ScourgeWin8 / 11 / 087 / 160 / 0221297
2013-03-31 01:40:04
arso 35m51s
ScourgeWin4 / 5 / 363 / 20 / 010309
2013-03-31 02:18:51
apso 25m36s
ScourgeWin2 / 7 / 035 / 30 / 0002920
2013-03-31 01:01:32
arso 31m53s
ScourgeWin14 / 6 / 1104 / 50 / 0603227 I0P1
2013-03-31 00:27:40
arso 19m51s
ScourgeWin4 / 5 / 139 / 120 / 010822
2013-03-31 00:01:56
arso 42m1s
ScourgeWin8 / 2 / 2134 / 100 / 02245713
2013-03-30 23:23:01
arso 57m41s
SentinelWin18 / 11 / 10119 / 40 / 023417
2013-03-30 22:25:01
arso 32m38s
ScourgeWin4 / 1 / 658 / 20 / 0220
2013-03-30 13:11:43
arso 19m18s
ScourgeWin9 / 0 / 178 / 250 / 030245 I0PB
2013-03-30 02:58:56
apso 59m14s
ScourgeLoss12 / 12 / 6192 / 50 / 00615012
2013-03-30 01:35:04
apso 30m16s
ScourgeWin8 / 8 / 335 / 40 / 0001379
2013-03-30 01:58:40
apso 22m50s
ScourgeWin4 / 3 / 038 / 30 / 005568
2013-03-30 00:56:21
arso 13m13s
ScourgeWin6 / 1 / 020 / 20 / 0001399
2013-03-30 00:35:14
arso 41m22s
ScourgeWin6 / 14 / 469 / 50 / 0102836 H07I
2013-03-29 23:52:30
arso 59m9s
ScourgeWin15 / 16 / 1077 / 20 / 1051091
2013-03-29 22:49:22
arso 29m41s
ScourgeWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 0002
2013-03-29 22:10:26
arso 52m32s
ScourgeWin13 / 9 / 6157 / 140 / 14183522