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Статистика игр DotA пользователя Steve-_-
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills11277356117
Creep Kills745149850756
Creep Denies17398721
Tower Kills265139825
Total Gold391040219086923289
Последние игры пользователя Steve-_-
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2015-06-30 04:49:21
apso 42m40s
ScourgeWin1 / 2 / 214 / 00 / 00012
2015-06-30 04:38:21
apso 45m40s
SentinelLoss16 / 5 / 462 / 00 / 0218
2015-06-30 03:58:17
apso 30m1s
ScourgeWin6 / 2 / 489 / 00 / 0192989
2015-06-29 14:01:19
apso 34m40s
ScourgeWin16 / 4 / 3103 / 10 / 0492623 I0P1
2015-06-29 10:02:17
apso 31m13s
ScourgeWin12 / 18 / 274 / 00 / 035634 H07I
2015-06-29 08:22:30
apso 40m54s
SentinelWin9 / 11 / 646 / 20 / 01122911
2015-06-29 05:48:15
apso 41m9s
ScourgeWin9 / 3 / 1107 / 10 / 06217999
2015-06-29 04:59:39
apso 41m15s
ScourgeWin15 / 11 / 1123 / 00 / 05116052
2015-06-28 17:11:09
apso 40m16s
SentinelLoss5 / 3 / 661 / 00 / 00220
2015-06-28 08:33:45
apso 31m29s
SentinelLoss5 / 2 / 348 / 00 / 013257 I0P1
2015-06-28 06:30:18
apso 33m45s
ScourgeWin5 / 4 / 186 / 00 / 06714977
2015-06-27 21:41:02
apso 36m36s
ScourgeWin7 / 1 / 037 / 00 / 021141420
2015-06-27 15:40:05
apso 47m57s
ScourgeWin20 / 18 / 1119 / 10 / 05612627
2015-06-27 14:23:58
apso 34m32s
ScourgeWin9 / 10 / 743 / 00 / 0332421
2015-06-27 12:56:06
apso 37m28s
ScourgeWin10 / 10 / 164 / 00 / 01395613 I0P1
2015-06-27 12:32:34
apso 16m27s
ScourgeWin5 / 6 / 041 / 00 / 0030
2015-06-27 09:59:43
apso 20m51s
SentinelWin8 / 5 / 134 / 10 / 0001093
2015-06-27 10:29:39
apso 29m1s
ScourgeWin11 / 9 / 080 / 00 / 0225052
2015-06-27 09:01:24
apso 30m40s
ScourgeWin9 / 4 / 068 / 00 / 0300
2015-06-14 06:08:17
apso 30m26s
ScourgeWin15 / 4 / 099 / 150 / 0503436
2014-02-23 18:54:36
arso 21m11s
ScourgeWin11 / 1 / 029 / 00 / 03251354
2014-02-19 17:27:54
apso 65m6s
ScourgeWin22 / 19 / 5151 / 10 / 03614107 I0MU
2014-02-17 19:36:51
arso 26m24s
ScourgeWin5 / 10 / 345 / 00 / 0201556
2014-02-17 20:30:51
arso 15m36s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 06 / 10 / 00190
2014-02-02 15:52:14
arso 36m25s
ScourgeWin10 / 6 / 061 / 00 / 02723916
2014-01-29 18:41:23
arso 35m4s
ScourgeWin11 / 10 / 156 / 00 / 0133080
2014-01-29 18:21:23
arso 22m44s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 04 / 00 / 0009
2014-01-25 11:25:13
arso 43m44s
SentinelLoss30 / 5 / 8121 / 00 / 0001368
2014-01-24 19:01:12
arso 12m53s
ScourgeWin2 / 3 / 019 / 00 / 0143134
2013-12-31 10:49:33
apso 15m37s
ScourgeWin10 / 2 / 040 / 10 / 0000