, русификатор для Stronghold 3, купить игру Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic, русификатор для Saw: The Video Game

Статистика игр DotA пользователя headed
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills7701390-
Creep Kills581312901-
Creep Denies404334-
Tower Kills176286-
Total Gold269757499458-
Последние игры пользователя headed
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2014-08-10 14:50:18
arso 12m10s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 000875
2014-08-10 14:36:02
arso 19m49s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 220 / 00 / 0001998
2014-08-10 14:02:38
arso 11m42s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 000875
2014-08-10 13:48:46
arso 14m9s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 20 / 00 / 0002021
2014-08-10 14:13:50
arso 9m11s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 50 / 00 / 000875
2014-03-29 02:01:52
apso 27m46s
ScourgeWin9 / 4 / 283 / 70 / 007920
2014-03-29 01:28:32
apso 41m56s
ScourgeWin8 / 3 / 670 / 20 / 001233392
2014-03-29 00:34:40
apso 36m4s
ScourgeWin9 / 1 / 282 / 10 / 01815261
2014-03-28 23:46:13
apso 37m12s
SentinelLoss1 / 3 / 498 / 50 / 00151149
2014-03-28 23:07:21
apso 32m25s
ScourgeWin13 / 5 / 181 / 40 / 021410628
2014-03-27 22:42:26
apso 35m49s
ScourgeWin10 / 4 / 2119 / 60 / 0145460
2014-03-27 23:32:14
apso 43m12s
ScourgeWin12 / 4 / 3104 / 50 / 02227249
2014-03-27 21:58:22
apso 49m37s
ScourgeWin15 / 6 / 662 / 30 / 03299490
2014-03-26 21:44:31
apso 9m49s
ScourgeWin1 / 1 / 18 / 00 / 000333
2014-03-26 21:23:12
apso 49m12s
ScourgeWin10 / 9 / 7107 / 90 / 0445413
2014-03-25 23:23:00
apso 44m0s
ScourgeWin17 / 16 / 650 / 10 / 0314556
2014-03-25 22:29:37
apso 21m45s
ScourgeWin4 / 7 / 130 / 50 / 0120
2014-03-25 22:04:29
apso 42m57s
ScourgeWin10 / 5 / 0123 / 200 / 05641296
2014-03-25 00:54:49
apso 31m24s
ScourgeWin9 / 13 / 228 / 50 / 0004065
2014-03-24 23:37:29
apso 37m58s
ScourgeWin8 / 14 / 564 / 10 / 0113032
2014-03-25 00:16:41
apso 25m54s
ScourgeWin11 / 10 / 059 / 80 / 001599
2014-03-24 22:55:21
apso 26m14s
ScourgeWin4 / 6 / 348 / 30 / 003705
2014-03-13 19:39:23
apso 27m8s
ScourgeWin4 / 12 / 332 / 30 / 0104659
2014-03-13 18:39:27
apso 47m36s
SentinelWin16 / 8 / 5115 / 20 / 0531400
2014-03-13 17:46:28
apso 24m5s
ScourgeWin1 / 2 / 055 / 40 / 01102145
2014-03-13 17:19:36
apso 35m44s
SentinelWin3 / 7 / 334 / 20 / 01863917
2014-03-12 17:51:05
apso 32m39s
ScourgeWin19 / 3 / 493 / 70 / 0706092
2014-03-12 17:35:33
apso 35m20s
SentinelWin10 / 6 / 474 / 20 / 0431858
2014-03-12 18:32:09
apso 34m45s
ScourgeWin20 / 14 / 565 / 20 / 0230
2014-03-12 16:33:05
apso 23m37s
SentinelWin14 / 9 / 044 / 20 / 0304653