, трейнер Painkiller, игра Final Fantasy 8, Darkest of Days mod

Игра 2014-05-31 16:36:55 (длительность 30m0s (завершение за 413 сек), режим apso, выиграли Scourge)
PlayerKills / Assists / Deaths
Total (Ranked)
Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTowerKillsNeutralKillsGoldItemsHero
SentinelHeroes Killed: 4; Towers Killed: 1; Towers Lost: 10; Rax Lost: 4
GrailApostl1 / 3 / 4 (1 / 3 / 4)15 / 00 / 00107
maxim090 / 2 / 7 (0 / 2 / 7)9 / 00 / 0008
lacedaemonian5 / 5 / 5 (5 / 5 / 5)13 / 00 / 0007
[BoT]_RaK_0 / 0 / 2 (0 / 0 / 2)4 / 00 / 0000
kot2023 / 2 / 3 (3 / 2 / 2)62 / 00 / 0003029 I0PQ
ScourgeHeroes Killed: 1; Towers Killed: 3; Towers Lost: 1; Rax Lost: 0
Jovlon2 / 3 / 4 (2 / 2 / 3)23 / 00 / 0031437
MrV666691 / 5 / 3 (1 / 5 / 3)33 / 10 / 0104245
shuhrat12310 / 3 / 3 (10 / 3 / 3)23 / 00 / 0103973
150BillionSteps5 / 5 / 3 (4 / 5 / 3)36 / 30 / 030227 I0P1
Boy_M2 / 6 / 1 (2 / 5 / 1)26 / 40 / 0221630
6m51s[BoT]_RaK_ LEFT
10m24sSentinel T1 top destroyed
13m49sSentinel T1 bottom destroyed
15m47smaxim09 LEFT
15m59sSentinel T1 mid destroyed
19m58sSentinel T2 bottom destroyed
20m2sGrailApostl LEFT
20m7slacedaemonian LEFT
20m31sScourge T1 top destroyed
20m41sSentinel T3 bottom destroyed
20m57sSentinel Rax bottom destroyed
21m5sSentinel Rax bottom destroyed
21m10sMrV66669 LEFT
21m46sshuhrat123 LEFT
22m15sSentinel T2 mid destroyed
23m7sSentinel T4 destroyed
23m7sScourge is about to win, endgame timer started
24m4sSentinel T2 top destroyed
26m18sSentinel T3 mid destroyed
26m34sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
26m38sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
30m0sGame End
30m3s150BillionSteps LEFT
30m3sBoy_M LEFT
30m5sJovlon LEFT