, Pathologic, Killzone 2 дата выхода, скачать Полный привод 2: HUMMER demo

Игра 2014-02-19 15:48:10 (длительность 57m34s (завершение за 516 сек), режим apso, выиграли Sentinel)
PlayerKills / Assists / Deaths
Total (Ranked)
Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTowerKillsNeutralKillsGoldItemsHero
SentinelHeroes Killed: 1; Towers Killed: 5; Towers Lost: 7; Rax Lost: 4
liohaa0 / 3 / 5 (0 / 2 / 5)23 / 00 / 0053
uubivec6 / 6 / 11 (4 / 5 / 7)124 / 00 / 0461543
misharin6 / 5 / 12 (3 / 5 / 9)123 / 00 / 02462972 U01X
dalvik9 / 4 / 9 (8 / 3 / 5)216 / 00 / 0114250
sasha485000 / 1 / 5 (0 / 1 / 5)19 / 10 / 0002
ScourgeHeroes Killed: 0; Towers Killed: 1; Towers Lost: 11; Rax Lost: 5
9IneznaL4toEu1317 / 6 / 6 (12 / 3 / 3)150 / 00 / 0310470
Nikson872 / 6 / 5 (2 / 6 / 4)68 / 00 / 005923
_SCORP_12 / 11 / 9 (9 / 8 / 6)150 / 00 / 1137950 I0P8
[NaRkO][][][a]3 / 1 / 1 (3 / 1 / 0)9 / 00 / 00016
m9so0007 / 7 / 3 (5 / 3 / 3)74 / 70 / 013803
8m27sScourge T1 top destroyed
15m28ssasha48500 LEFT
16m4sScourge T1 mid destroyed
17m40sSentinel T1 mid destroyed
19m57sSentinel T1 top destroyed
20m24sScourge T1 bottom destroyed
22m4sSentinel T1 bottom destroyed
25m58s[NaRkO][][][a] LEFT
27m51sSentinel T2 mid destroyed
28m15sSentinel T3 mid destroyed
28m57sliohaa LEFT
29m47sSentinel T2 bottom destroyed
37m35sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
38m42sNikson87 LEFT
39m37sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
40m38sScourge T2 top destroyed
41m11sScourge T2 mid destroyed
41m24sScourge T2 bottom destroyed
41m51sScourge T3 bottom destroyed
42m17sScourge Rax bottom destroyed
42m53sScourge Rax bottom destroyed
46m19sSentinel T3 bottom destroyed
46m19sScourge is about to win, endgame timer started
48m58sScourge T3 mid destroyed
48m58sSentinel is about to win, endgame timer started
49m3sScourge Rax mid destroyed
50m19sSentinel Rax bottom destroyed
50m31sSentinel Rax bottom destroyed
50m57sScourge T3 top destroyed
51m34sScourge T4 destroyed
53m51sScourge Rax top destroyed
54m33sScourge Rax top destroyed
57m34sGame End
57m35s_SCORP_ LEFT
57m36suubivec LEFT
57m38s9IneznaL4toEu13 LEFT
57m42sm9so000 LEFT