, Rayman Origins патч, игра Legend of Grimrock, Каратель ключ

Игра 2013-01-29 15:00:50 (длительность 45m21s (завершение за 212 сек), режим apso, выиграли Sentinel)
PlayerKills / Assists / Deaths
Total (Ranked)
Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTowerKillsNeutralKillsGoldItemsHero
SentinelHeroes Killed: 1; Towers Killed: 4; Towers Lost: 5; Rax Lost: 0
Abush4 / 10 / 9 (4 / 7 / 9)71 / 00 / 0372462
aswerda27 / 12 / 6 (27 / 12 / 6)91 / 30 / 0132431
[Komelfo]0 / 0 / 0 (0 / 0 / 0)0 / 00 / 0007105
devril1 / 11 / 11 (1 / 11 / 11)45 / 10 / 0038436
BUKOV_[NbCl]6 / 9 / 6 (5 / 8 / 6)102 / 00 / 02233259
ScourgeHeroes Killed: 0; Towers Killed: 2; Towers Lost: 11; Rax Lost: 4
BoNuShh0 / 0 / 2 (0 / 0 / 2)0 / 00 / 0005
Sytiner.17 / 15 / 10 (17 / 15 / 9)145 / 00 / 0303213
EASYSKILLPACAN2 / 4 / 10 (2 / 4 / 9)76 / 20 / 0125842
iHertz9 / 10 / 10 (9 / 10 / 10)27 / 10 / 000164
damir34region3 / 4 / 7 (3 / 4 / 7)19 / 10 / 00013
0m29s[Komelfo] LEFT
0m54sBoNuShh LEFT
10m36sScourge T1 mid destroyed
16m47sdamir34region LEFT
17m13sSentinel T1 mid destroyed
20m52sScourge T2 mid destroyed
22m7sScourge T1 bottom destroyed
23m15sScourge T1 top destroyed
23m48sSentinel T1 top destroyed
29m0sScourge T2 bottom destroyed
31m47sSentinel T2 mid destroyed
35m27sSentinel T1 bottom destroyed
37m58sSentinel T2 top destroyed
38m44sScourge T3 mid destroyed
40m21sScourge T2 top destroyed
41m27sScourge Rax mid destroyed
41m28sScourge T3 top destroyed
41m49sScourge Rax top destroyed
41m49sSentinel is about to win, endgame timer started
41m53sScourge Rax mid destroyed
41m58sScourge Rax top destroyed
42m28sScourge T3 bottom destroyed
45m0sScourge T4 destroyed
45m13sSytiner. LEFT
45m18siHertz LEFT
45m21sGame End
45m24saswerda LEFT