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Игра 2015-02-23 12:37:17 (длительность 46m7s (завершение за 188 сек), режим apso, выиграли Scourge)
PlayerKills / Assists / Deaths
Total (Ranked)
Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTowerKillsNeutralKillsGoldItemsHero
SentinelHeroes Killed: 4; Towers Killed: 2; Towers Lost: 11; Rax Lost: 6
[mama][pro]1 / 1 / 6 (1 / 1 / 6)6 / 00 / 1004 N0MK
ramizoid8 / 16 / 8 (8 / 16 / 7)85 / 00 / 0117929I0P1 I0MU
VBVVCTND_13 / 18 / 12 (13 / 18 / 11)92 / 40 / 0031355
_VARYAGG_8 / 8 / 10 (8 / 8 / 10)46 / 00 / 00018
RakoMakoPhone9 / 19 / 9 (9 / 19 / 8)70 / 00 / 000908
ScourgeHeroes Killed: 0; Towers Killed: 3; Towers Lost: 3; Rax Lost: 0
Bukin_Gena2 / 15 / 9 (1 / 13 / 9)65 / 00 / 01114503
uzunited2 / 8 / 8 (2 / 7 / 8)28 / 00 / 0301452
vk.ka4itor211 / 10 / 8 (11 / 10 / 8)34 / 00 / 0011415
dsn.20 / 7 / 7 (19 / 5 / 7)177 / 40 / 02313706
KinG_HameL10 / 5 / 12 (10 / 5 / 12)49 / 00 / 0271977
12m32sSentinel T1 bottom destroyed
13m55sSentinel T1 mid destroyed
14m35sSentinel T1 top destroyed
15m11s[mama][pro] LEFT
19m0sSentinel T2 mid destroyed
28m43sSentinel T3 mid destroyed
28m59sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
29m2sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
29m7sScourge T1 top destroyed
30m48sSentinel T2 bottom destroyed
34m8sSentinel T2 top destroyed
41m27sScourge T1 bottom destroyed
41m50sScourge T1 mid destroyed
42m59sSentinel T3 top destroyed
42m59sScourge is about to win, endgame timer started
43m6sSentinel Rax top destroyed
43m8sSentinel T4 destroyed
43m11sSentinel Rax top destroyed
44m49sRakoMakoPhone LEFT
45m11sBukin_Gena LEFT
45m31sSentinel T3 bottom destroyed
45m38sSentinel Rax bottom destroyed
45m45sSentinel Rax bottom destroyed
46m7sGame End
46m10sramizoid LEFT
46m10suzunited LEFT