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Игра 2015-05-19 19:34:07 (длительность 51m32s (завершение за 1344 сек), режим apso, выиграли Sentinel)
PlayerKills / Assists / Deaths
Total (Ranked)
Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTowerKillsNeutralKillsGoldItemsHero
SentinelHeroes Killed: 2; Towers Killed: 2; Towers Lost: 4; Rax Lost: 0
Lord....KEOS9 / 8 / 9 (3 / 4 / 6)59 / 00 / 0444822
Aye731 / 1 / 2 (1 / 1 / 2)12 / 00 / 00022
carbon885 / 12 / 8 (5 / 12 / 7)79 / 00 / 01171943
...IIaLa4...10 / 6 / 13 (8 / 2 / 12)40 / 10 / 04511928 I0P8
sredotochie28 / 3 / 4 (9 / 3 / 4)30 / 00 / 20022
ScourgeHeroes Killed: 2; Towers Killed: 2; Towers Lost: 11; Rax Lost: 5
kombatt1 / 5 / 11 (1 / 4 / 11)26 / 00 / 0011427
Vampir_66611 / 14 / 8 (11 / 14 / 5)143 / 00 / 0113413
sredotochie10 / 2 / 2 (0 / 2 / 2)22 / 00 / 002313
dewil3665 / 11 / 6 (2 / 5 / 4)31 / 00 / 014746
ANDREfromru10 / 15 / 4 (10 / 15 / 1)87 / 00 / 00121444
7m54sScourge T1 top destroyed
15m10sSentinel T1 bottom destroyed
17m43sSentinel T1 mid destroyed
19m53sAye73 LEFT
20m3sSentinel T1 top destroyed
20m40sScourge T1 bottom destroyed
22m9sScourge T1 mid destroyed
22m48sScourge T2 top destroyed
27m33sScourge T2 mid destroyed
27m39ssredotochie1 LEFT
27m52sScourge T3 mid destroyed
28m1sScourge Rax mid destroyed
28m3sScourge Rax mid destroyed
29m8sScourge T3 top destroyed
29m8sSentinel is about to win, endgame timer started
31m0ssredotochie2 KICKED
37m23sSentinel T2 top destroyed
38m59sScourge T2 bottom destroyed
40m1sScourge T4 destroyed
40m13sScourge T3 bottom destroyed
50m57sScourge Rax bottom destroyed
51m4sScourge Rax bottom destroyed
51m24sScourge Rax top destroyed
51m32sGame End
51m35s...IIaLa4... LEFT
51m36sdewil366 LEFT
51m36sANDREfromru LEFT
51m37sVampir_666 LEFT
51m38sLord....KEOS LEFT
51m39scarbon88 LEFT