, читы для Dungeon Lords, Loki: Heroes of Mythology NoCD, игра LEGO Pirates of the Carribean

Игра 2014-11-29 01:21:56 (длительность 56m41s (завершение за 778 сек), режим apso, выиграли Sentinel)
PlayerKills / Assists / Deaths
Total (Ranked)
Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTowerKillsNeutralKillsGoldItemsHero
SentinelHeroes Killed: 0; Towers Killed: 4; Towers Lost: 6; Rax Lost: 2
x-wave5 / 15 / 10 (5 / 12 / 10)51 / 00 / 00222709I0MU
E.S.S.2 / 14 / 7 (0 / 9 / 7)121 / 00 / 0123995
.silent.hill.11 / 4 / 5 (6 / 2 / 5)79 / 20 / 031383680
Teokles2 / 3 / 4 (2 / 3 / 4)26 / 00 / 0011
Pe4k1n21 / 11 / 7 (18 / 6 / 6)83 / 00 / 03221548 I0P1
ScourgeHeroes Killed: 1; Towers Killed: 3; Towers Lost: 11; Rax Lost: 6
...CMEPTHIK...0 / 0 / 1 (0 / 0 / 0)0 / 00 / 0008
NaguaL646 / 5 / 12 (6 / 5 / 8)109 / 00 / 015381 N0MU
bigor25 / 9 / 14 (4 / 7 / 12)35 / 00 / 0117358 I0P1
NoidMarley14 / 9 / 9 (14 / 9 / 7)160 / 50 / 01371798
OoDockoO9 / 13 / 9 (9 / 13 / 6)124 / 00 / 0031789
3m23s...CMEPTHIK... LEFT
10m46sScourge T1 mid destroyed
15m52sScourge T1 top destroyed
18m12sSentinel T1 bottom destroyed
22m9sScourge T1 bottom destroyed
24m26sScourge T2 mid destroyed
24m54sTeokles LEFT
27m48sScourge T2 top destroyed
32m22sSentinel T1 top destroyed
35m40sScourge T3 mid destroyed
36m5sScourge Rax mid destroyed
36m18sScourge Rax mid destroyed
37m14sScourge T2 bottom destroyed
39m21sSentinel T1 mid destroyed
43m43sScourge T4 destroyed
43m43sSentinel is about to win, endgame timer started
50m15sScourge T3 top destroyed
50m35sScourge T3 bottom destroyed
53m22sScourge Rax bottom destroyed
53m25sSentinel T2 mid destroyed
53m32sScourge Rax bottom destroyed
53m42sSentinel T3 mid destroyed
53m52sScourge Rax top destroyed
53m56sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
54m0sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
54m0sScourge Rax top destroyed
54m10sSentinel T2 top destroyed
56m41sGame End
56m43sNaguaL64 LEFT
56m44s.silent.hill. LEFT
56m45sPe4k1n LEFT
56m46sx-wave LEFT
56m48sbigor2 LEFT
56m50sNoidMarley LEFT
56m57sE.S.S. LEFT