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Игра 2015-05-13 18:16:23 (длительность 46m58s (завершение за 211 сек), режим apso, выиграли Scourge)
PlayerKills / Assists / Deaths
Total (Ranked)
Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTowerKillsNeutralKillsGoldItemsHero
SentinelHeroes Killed: 1; Towers Killed: 3; Towers Lost: 11; Rax Lost: 6
ruslan...0 / 0 / 2 (0 / 0 / 2)2 / 00 / 00012
LINK...4 / 5 / 10 (3 / 4 / 10)90 / 00 / 01247202
[IIaIIa]RuBatLe0 / 0 / 0 (0 / 0 / 0)0 / 00 / 00012
Dneprop11 / 3 / 6 (10 / 2 / 6)193 / 30 / 041711
mim-_-2 / 0 / 6 (2 / 0 / 5)55 / 00 / 0008
ScourgeHeroes Killed: 1; Towers Killed: 5; Towers Lost: 6; Rax Lost: 2
GT2208 / 8 / 3 (8 / 8 / 1)166 / 00 / 02346614
NURATAN10 / 2 / 4 (0 / 2 / 4)11 / 10 / 0001
_Fantik_19912 / 0 / 4 (2 / 0 / 4)13 / 00 / 0002
..Steel.w3l.10 / 4 / 4 (9 / 4 / 4)219 / 00 / 02115567
[DeFeN]DeR0 / 1 / 0 (0 / 1 / 0)0 / 00 / 0002
1m8s[DeFeN]DeR LEFT
6m12sruslan... LEFT
12m12sSentinel T1 bottom destroyed
12m35sSentinel T1 mid destroyed
14m18sSentinel T1 top destroyed
15m7s_Fantik_1991 LEFT
15m23smim-_- LEFT
16m42sSentinel T2 bottom destroyed
19m42sScourge T1 mid destroyed
20m15sScourge T2 mid destroyed
20m33sSentinel T2 top destroyed
21m48sScourge T3 mid destroyed
22m42sScourge T1 top destroyed
29m1sSentinel T2 mid destroyed
35m26sSentinel T3 mid destroyed
39m26sScourge T1 bottom destroyed
42m12sDneprop LEFT
42m51sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
42m54sSentinel Rax mid destroyed
43m27sSentinel T3 top destroyed
43m27sScourge is about to win, endgame timer started
43m38sSentinel Rax top destroyed
43m44sSentinel Rax top destroyed
44m25sScourge T2 bottom destroyed
46m1sSentinel T3 bottom destroyed
46m2sSentinel T4 destroyed
46m8sSentinel Rax bottom destroyed
46m18sSentinel Rax bottom destroyed
46m50sScourge Rax mid destroyed
46m51sScourge Rax mid destroyed
46m58sGame End
46m59s..Steel.w3l. LEFT
47m3sGT220 LEFT
47m3sLINK... LEFT