, Gears of War: Judgment NoCD, Alice: Madness Returns patch, игра God of War: Призрак Спарты

Статистика игр DotA пользователя [4elovek]
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills15611-
Creep Kills1236118-
Creep Denies373-
Tower Kills153-
Total Gold265053115-
Последние игры пользователя [4elovek]
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2012-03-03 17:16:23
arso 42m16s
SentinelLoss11 / 7 / 1118 / 30 / 0303115
2012-02-28 00:10:08
apso 66m33s
ScourgeWin27 / 7 / 9305 / 90 / 03129248
2012-02-27 22:48:25
apso 46m9s
ScourgeWin9 / 4 / 378 / 10 / 0402941
2012-02-27 23:01:49
apso 11m48s
ScourgeWin7 / 0 / 07 / 10 / 000362 I0P1
2012-02-27 22:01:05
apso 40m1s
ScourgeWin11 / 5 / 327 / 50 / 0002682
2012-01-23 09:44:13
apso 44m1s
ScourgeLoss2 / 7 / 767 / 40 / 013271
2012-01-23 10:29:17
apso 39m21s
ScourgeLoss10 / 4 / 917 / 00 / 0000
2012-01-23 08:44:18
apso 40m5s
SentinelWin3 / 10 / 565 / 10 / 0152021
2012-01-23 08:00:58
apso 47m37s
SentinelLoss7 / 7 / 961 / 20 / 000597
2012-01-23 07:01:31
apso 41m15s
ScourgeLoss9 / 2 / 839 / 10 / 000666
2012-01-23 01:34:42
apso 17m42s
ScourgeWin7 / 1 / 116 / 00 / 000133 I0P1
2012-01-23 00:49:18
apso 55m31s
ScourgeWin13 / 6 / 2131 / 50 / 0221711 I0P1
2011-06-15 06:36:58
apso 37m16s
ScourgeLoss7 / 4 / 539 / 00 / 0102006
2011-06-06 06:32:07
apso 54m4s
SentinelLoss20 / 12 / 594 / 00 / 002652
2011-06-06 05:32:59
apso 49m57s
ScourgeWin8 / 10 / 887 / 70 / 0148519
2011-06-06 04:35:04
apso 48m19s
ScourgeWin9 / 8 / 685 / 00 / 0211037
2011-06-06 03:44:44
apso 42m52s
ScourgeWin6 / 20 / 146 / 10 / 0052657
2011-06-06 02:57:20
apso 35m21s
SentinelWin1 / 10 / 272 / 00 / 0002