, Blades of Time mod, Sims 2, the на PlayStation 2, 7.62 mod

Статистика игр DotA пользователя [7ku]yTo4Ka
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills100453164
Creep Kills66830371489
Creep Denies339150
Tower Kills65410
Total Gold1200111166035066
Последние игры пользователя [7ku]yTo4Ka
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2012-06-28 21:09:00
apso-pro 52m53s
ScourgeLoss7 / 4 / 943 / 20 / 0156
2012-06-28 20:07:49
apso 37m5s
ScourgeWin5 / 12 / 229 / 50 / 0005
2012-06-28 19:55:38
arso-pro 30m35s
SentinelLoss0 / 9 / 621 / 00 / 000750
2012-06-27 15:53:37
apso 19m14s
ScourgeWin3 / 3 / 311 / 30 / 000351
2011-12-04 00:36:06
sdso 49m23s
SentinelLoss3 / 5 / 639 / 90 / 00106
2011-09-18 22:23:21
arso 54m55s
SentinelWin1 / 0 / 311 / 00 / 00438
2011-09-16 02:58:34
arso 44m58s
ScourgeWin3 / 5 / 354 / 10 / 00343933
2011-09-16 02:37:50
apso 25m44s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 000853
2011-09-16 01:50:58
arso 40m4s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00022
2011-09-16 02:15:46
arso 45m47s
ScourgeWin7 / 4 / 463 / 00 / 0148156
2011-08-22 05:50:14
arso 49m57s
ScourgeWin0 / 0 / 15 / 00 / 00010
2011-08-22 04:57:54
arso 2m27s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 000853
2011-08-22 03:34:55
arso 41m18s
SentinelWin10 / 18 / 522 / 00 / 0103486
2011-08-22 02:45:23
arso 50m17s
SentinelWin12 / 13 / 522 / 00 / 0192056
2011-08-21 15:38:17
arso 43m20s
SentinelWin8 / 8 / 638 / 00 / 0114655
2011-08-20 04:39:16
arso 39m30s
ScourgeWin2 / 7 / 528 / 20 / 020853
2011-08-20 05:21:04
arso 32m8s
SentinelWin2 / 2 / 541 / 00 / 0003384
2011-08-20 03:57:44
arso 2m23s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 00056
2011-08-20 03:48:48
arso 60m53s
SentinelLoss3 / 8 / 2256 / 10 / 005427
2011-08-14 21:35:32
arso 47m13s
ScourgeLoss8 / 7 / 939 / 60 / 0081995
2011-08-12 23:41:05
arso 43m59s
ScourgeWin9 / 11 / 278 / 40 / 01201924
2011-08-12 22:53:36
apso 3m3s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 000901
2011-08-12 22:44:25
arso 47m56s
ScourgeLoss9 / 4 / 689 / 00 / 000432
2011-08-12 21:53:05
arso 31m0s
ScourgeLoss5 / 3 / 821 / 10 / 0101388
2011-08-12 11:53:52
sdso 23m6s
SentinelWin5 / 8 / 125 / 00 / 0002334
2011-07-23 18:46:33
apso 53m23s
ScourgeWin0 / 1 / 31 / 00 / 00012
2011-07-23 18:35:50
sdso 35m32s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00010
2011-07-19 12:31:11
sdso 42m12s
SentinelWin1 / 7 / 434 / 10 / 001511
2011-07-19 07:41:27
arso 47m12s
SentinelWin1 / 6 / 432 / 00 / 01762151
2011-07-19 06:34:27
arso 53m10s
ScourgeWin13 / 8 / 291 / 40 / 00495931