, Alice: Madness Returns видео, save для Anno 2070, трейнер для Quantum of Solace: The Game

Статистика игр DotA пользователя [alone]_ShadY
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills4400-29
Creep Kills50650-388
Creep Denies2418-26
Tower Kills854-9
Total Gold1113934-8819
Последние игры пользователя [alone]_ShadY
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2012-04-22 14:30:10
apso 25m1s
ScourgeWin0 / 0 / 043 / 80 / 000672
2012-04-13 10:58:55
apso 4m51s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 00 / 10 / 00073
2012-04-13 11:31:31
apso-pro 29m3s
SentinelWin15 / 1 / 4108 / 180 / 0104344
2012-04-07 19:28:40
apso 19m38s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 00012
2012-03-28 19:12:56
apso 60m7s
SentinelWin17 / 3 / 5156 / 60 / 0405601
2012-03-28 15:45:22
apso 45m7s
ScourgeLoss5 / 3 / 3206 / 00 / 0204253
2012-03-26 12:36:27
apso 27m39s
ScourgeLoss4 / 0 / 590 / 00 / 010992
2012-03-26 12:52:35
apso 15m39s
ScourgeWin8 / 9 / 026 / 10 / 010991
2012-03-26 13:33:50
apso 39m7s
SentinelWin5 / 16 / 455 / 20 / 000521
2012-03-26 11:56:15
apso 41m21s
SentinelWin19 / 4 / 3198 / 210 / 05122222 I0MU
2012-03-26 11:11:44
apso-pro 32m26s
ScourgeWin7 / 9 / 288 / 20 / 00280
2012-03-26 05:26:22
apso 49m41s
ScourgeWin10 / 15 / 4169 / 50 / 0343673
2012-03-26 04:25:19
apso 27m48s
ScourgeWin2 / 2 / 134 / 10 / 031163273
2012-03-24 12:38:26
apso 28m50s
SentinelWin10 / 5 / 1120 / 170 / 0491226
2012-03-24 00:20:48
apso-pro 35m3s
SentinelWin11 / 5 / 2130 / 100 / 02503232
2012-03-23 23:28:36
apso 33m25s
SentinelWin22 / 1 / 0188 / 120 / 0491278
2012-01-15 19:43:26
apso 40m5s
SentinelWin8 / 5 / 429 / 20 / 000361
2012-01-15 14:48:52
apso 36m34s
ScourgeLoss9 / 2 / 388 / 80 / 02218
2012-01-01 15:05:06
apso 24m44s
SentinelWin6 / 4 / 148 / 00 / 01022
2011-12-28 15:49:44
apso-pro 38m17s
SentinelWin8 / 3 / 1120 / 151 / 06502958 I0MU
2011-09-14 21:18:35
apso-pro 37m30s
SentinelLoss4 / 1 / 428 / 20 / 10015
2011-09-13 17:41:57
apso 35m15s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 0011493
2011-08-29 18:36:54
apso 72m49s
SentinelLoss16 / 7 / 6264 / 30 / 03977996
2011-08-29 04:23:29
apso 20m55s
ScourgeWin6 / 5 / 342 / 50 / 0101944
2011-08-29 04:00:01
apso 11m45s
ScourgeWin3 / 0 / 025 / 30 / 0000
2011-08-29 03:38:13
apso 39m15s
SentinelWin12 / 9 / 789 / 10 / 0404157
2011-08-29 02:52:21
apso 41m6s
ScourgeWin9 / 5 / 1151 / 140 / 0465341
2011-08-29 02:08:01
apso 40m11s
SentinelWin9 / 10 / 271 / 110 / 0207609
2011-07-24 21:48:47
apso 39m39s
SentinelWin12 / 4 / 455 / 00 / 031015751
2011-07-24 15:29:40
apso 29m32s
ScourgeWin27 / 6 / 062 / 60 / 0302660