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Статистика игр DotA пользователя BlackViSOR
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills12844171798
Creep Kills21225715724435
Creep Denies7933251341
Tower Kills27887358
Total Gold539221468012568288
Последние игры пользователя BlackViSOR
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2012-07-06 17:39:54
sdso 38m33s
SentinelLoss4 / 4 / 6104 / 70 / 0122268
2012-07-06 18:20:46
sdso 28m46s
ScourgeWin3 / 3 / 683 / 00 / 010259
2012-07-06 17:01:10
arso 32m30s
SentinelLoss3 / 2 / 358 / 20 / 0103130
2012-07-06 10:19:38
sdso 37m53s
SentinelWin15 / 7 / 284 / 30 / 041820
2012-07-05 17:09:19
sdso 32m31s
SentinelWin4 / 0 / 239 / 20 / 0012
2012-07-04 17:07:40
arso 37m53s
SentinelLoss5 / 9 / 791 / 40 / 019465 I0MU
2012-07-04 17:50:48
sdso 37m0s
SentinelWin8 / 3 / 4168 / 50 / 057811
2012-07-03 20:05:06
arso 24m53s
SentinelWin7 / 1 / 186 / 80 / 0202547
2012-07-03 19:47:38
arso 14m57s
SentinelWin4 / 0 / 041 / 20 / 010659
2012-07-03 18:46:34
sdso 53m10s
SentinelWin5 / 13 / 5198 / 110 / 06369724
2012-07-03 17:43:42
arso 50m10s
SentinelWin9 / 10 / 1256 / 100 / 053610402
2012-07-01 18:24:25
arso 49m19s
SentinelWin6 / 15 / 4107 / 30 / 03248881 H0CQ
2012-07-01 17:33:37
arso 33m25s
SentinelWin9 / 8 / 182 / 40 / 0294780
2012-07-01 16:59:21
arso 74m15s
ScourgeLoss3 / 3 / 3107 / 80 / 011222
2012-07-01 10:44:41
arso 46m35s
SentinelWin12 / 5 / 2167 / 50 / 0972360
2012-07-01 11:30:57
arso 33m7s
ScourgeWin3 / 7 / 261 / 40 / 022435
2012-06-29 21:55:47
sdso 47m4s
ScourgeWin7 / 14 / 3144 / 10 / 0291426
2012-06-29 18:40:53
sdso 39m24s
ScourgeWin2 / 7 / 564 / 40 / 00282452
2012-06-29 19:28:49
sdso 46m56s
ScourgeLoss6 / 7 / 066 / 50 / 01010
2012-06-29 18:02:41
sdso-pro 28m22s
ScourgeLoss7 / 5 / 1336 / 10 / 0000
2012-06-28 20:27:51
sdso 44m53s
SentinelWin11 / 5 / 6129 / 00 / 05151483
2012-06-28 19:11:55
sdso 41m8s
SentinelWin6 / 7 / 0119 / 70 / 06115518
2012-06-28 18:25:28
sdso 46m42s
ScourgeWin4 / 7 / 294 / 90 / 04268249
2012-06-28 16:43:44
sdso 40m2s
ScourgeWin5 / 1 / 3124 / 40 / 0514518
2012-06-27 19:32:45
arso 60m57s
ScourgeWin8 / 5 / 286 / 80 / 004412
2012-06-27 18:01:50
sdso 40m9s
SentinelWin6 / 7 / 489 / 40 / 002311
2012-06-27 16:56:47
sdso 50m29s
ScourgeLoss2 / 10 / 14109 / 40 / 016387
2012-06-27 17:20:03
sdso 20m47s
SentinelWin9 / 2 / 358 / 50 / 0181006
2012-06-27 15:57:30
arso 16m36s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 40 / 00 / 00019
2012-06-26 19:06:44
sdso 54m10s
SentinelWin6 / 14 / 772 / 70 / 00211875