, продать игру Огнем и мечом 2. На Карибы!, Red Dead Redemption NoCD, дополнение к Rise of the Argonauts

Статистика игр DotA пользователя Commissar_Kain
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills5165
Creep Kills1838264206
Creep Denies000
Tower Kills2600
Total Gold7425766856784
Последние игры пользователя Commissar_Kain
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2012-06-21 22:27:51
arso 38m47s
ScourgeLoss0 / 1 / 714 / 00 / 0006
2012-06-21 21:45:58
apso 45m43s
SentinelWin4 / 8 / 470 / 00 / 0251746
2012-06-21 15:35:21
apso 47m31s
ScourgeLoss2 / 5 / 1250 / 00 / 0003348
2012-06-15 23:45:13
arso 28m37s
ScourgeLoss1 / 1 / 1314 / 00 / 0001319
2012-06-15 23:12:21
apso 31m37s
ScourgeLoss1 / 5 / 742 / 00 / 0000
2012-06-06 20:56:18
arso 3m16s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 000853
2012-06-06 20:48:29
apso 25m39s
SentinelWin0 / 1 / 111 / 00 / 0007
2012-06-06 19:52:30
apso 50m59s
ScourgeWin1 / 4 / 457 / 00 / 02311146
2012-06-04 23:38:44
arso 46m19s
SentinelLoss2 / 2 / 737 / 00 / 0021355
2012-06-04 22:50:23
apso 31m0s
SentinelLoss1 / 0 / 848 / 00 / 000314
2012-05-29 17:59:55
apso 61m18s
ScourgeWin1 / 9 / 745 / 00 / 0145580
2012-05-29 16:55:15
apso 37m22s
ScourgeWin1 / 5 / 375 / 00 / 030909
2012-05-29 16:07:13
arso 32m2s
ScourgeWin1 / 3 / 724 / 00 / 0001160
2012-05-29 15:25:12
apso 43m12s
SentinelWin1 / 4 / 743 / 00 / 0201491
2012-05-27 14:46:16
arso 18m39s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 531 / 00 / 0000
2012-05-27 14:27:15
apso 62m52s
SentinelLoss0 / 4 / 1199 / 00 / 0273457
2012-05-27 13:22:00
apso 1m55s
ScourgeWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 000603
2012-05-26 14:22:04
arso 32m46s
SentinelLoss1 / 3 / 628 / 00 / 000300
2012-04-01 21:27:37
arso 40m57s
SentinelLoss1 / 2 / 1242 / 00 / 000140 H07I
2012-04-01 20:34:05
apso 48m1s
SentinelLoss1 / 4 / 334 / 00 / 0034970
2012-03-27 22:16:17
sdso 37m27s
ScourgeWin0 / 6 / 217 / 00 / 00193130
2012-03-27 16:58:53
apso 50m1s
ScourgeWin0 / 3 / 945 / 00 / 010303
2012-03-27 16:22:06
apso 13m39s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 0000
2012-03-24 00:35:38
sdso 51m58s
ScourgeLoss1 / 5 / 1266 / 00 / 0003266
2012-03-23 23:21:13
arso 34m1s
ScourgeLoss0 / 5 / 443 / 00 / 000523
2012-03-22 17:44:38
apso 36m43s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00013
2012-03-22 17:34:51
apso 24m29s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 515 / 00 / 0001327
2012-03-22 17:06:35
apso 36m3s
ScourgeLoss0 / 3 / 733 / 00 / 0011321
2012-03-21 17:12:24
sdso 25m12s
SentinelWin3 / 4 / 611 / 00 / 000364
2012-03-21 17:09:32
sdso 26m19s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 00010