, коды для Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the, читы для Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, мод для Medal of Honor Airborne

Статистика игр DotA пользователя _38_CAH9I
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills39230147
Creep Kills64575172535
Creep Denies1002
Tower Kills82648
Total Gold1585281503483901
Последние игры пользователя _38_CAH9I
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2012-07-06 20:13:20
apso 34m9s
SentinelWin5 / 3 / 445 / 00 / 0183748
2012-07-06 19:34:19
apso 52m51s
ScourgeWin2 / 4 / 9122 / 00 / 0201370
2012-07-06 18:40:04
apso 42m14s
SentinelWin0 / 5 / 746 / 00 / 0002644
2012-07-04 21:28:18
apso 52m19s
ScourgeLoss8 / 8 / 1021 / 00 / 0103273
2012-07-04 20:37:26
apso 23m54s
SentinelWin2 / 6 / 410 / 00 / 0003992
2012-07-04 21:15:30
apso 41m6s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00019
2012-07-04 20:06:26
apso 64m34s
SentinelWin10 / 29 / 19114 / 00 / 0202014
2012-07-03 19:51:52
apso 37m17s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 433 / 00 / 0100
2012-07-03 18:51:36
apso 43m31s
SentinelLoss6 / 4 / 6115 / 00 / 000307
2012-07-03 18:06:52
apso 34m20s
ScourgeWin9 / 1 / 387 / 00 / 0305431 E02U
2012-07-03 17:36:08
apso 38m2s
ScourgeLoss2 / 13 / 38 / 00 / 0003
2012-07-03 16:45:52
apso 41m52s
ScourgeWin2 / 3 / 1145 / 00 / 01162934
2012-07-03 16:03:16
apso 70m46s
ScourgeWin10 / 16 / 9232 / 00 / 01135523
2012-07-02 05:26:26
apso 57m4s
ScourgeWin13 / 6 / 8114 / 00 / 018102
2012-07-02 03:55:26
apso 39m50s
SentinelWin2 / 2 / 640 / 00 / 0141333
2012-07-02 04:28:14
apso 40m8s
SentinelLoss4 / 7 / 741 / 00 / 000669
2012-07-02 03:18:54
apso 28m54s
ScourgeLoss3 / 2 / 761 / 60 / 000468
2012-07-02 02:40:26
apso 33m55s
ScourgeWin1 / 4 / 529 / 00 / 024174
2012-07-02 02:04:26
apso 47m57s
ScourgeWin3 / 6 / 6118 / 00 / 0171944
2012-07-02 01:14:14
apso 15m22s
ScourgeWin1 / 2 / 038 / 00 / 0000
2012-07-02 00:55:34
apso 39m35s
SentinelWin5 / 9 / 5108 / 00 / 0136034
2012-07-02 00:15:18
apso 41m56s
ScourgeWin11 / 4 / 10114 / 00 / 0062335
2012-07-01 23:31:06
apso 64m36s
SentinelLoss5 / 12 / 9117 / 00 / 0032960
2012-07-01 22:25:03
apso 52m4s
SentinelLoss13 / 13 / 6194 / 00 / 020666
2012-07-01 21:29:48
apso 55m12s
ScourgeWin6 / 9 / 5103 / 00 / 00102532
2012-07-01 20:45:15
apso 2m24s
ScourgeWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 000853
2012-07-01 20:43:27
apso 29m37s
ScourgeWin6 / 5 / 530 / 00 / 010532
2012-07-01 19:37:51
apso 39m19s
ScourgeWin8 / 10 / 662 / 00 / 00203066
2012-07-01 20:11:47
apso 35m31s
SentinelWin5 / 4 / 275 / 00 / 01111353
2012-07-01 19:16:31
apso 49m31s
SentinelWin5 / 3 / 6187 / 00 / 0007546