, Quantum of Solace: The Game, игра Street Legal, прохождение игры Painkiller: Воскрешение

Статистика игр DotA пользователя fre1
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills189575
Creep Kills3308791126
Creep Denies311
Tower Kills3207
Total Gold61999204427943
Последние игры пользователя fre1
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2012-07-06 00:48:45
apso 5m37s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 000140
2012-07-06 01:20:05
apso 25m58s
SentinelWin3 / 6 / 240 / 00 / 0081070
2012-07-06 00:15:41
apso 37m55s
ScourgeLoss1 / 10 / 1359 / 00 / 002539
2012-07-05 23:51:05
apso 1m57s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 000853
2012-07-04 02:52:39
apso 72m34s
ScourgeLoss2 / 5 / 1469 / 00 / 02158
2012-07-04 02:08:39
apso 51m18s
ScourgeWin1 / 1 / 912 / 00 / 0007
2012-07-04 01:12:28
apso 27m52s
SentinelWin10 / 5 / 034 / 00 / 0203009
2012-07-04 00:37:43
apso 39m41s
SentinelWin2 / 3 / 4123 / 00 / 0105218
2012-07-03 00:55:17
apso 66m59s
ScourgeLoss12 / 21 / 7118 / 00 / 01141323
2012-07-02 23:45:25
apso 51m28s
SentinelWin9 / 12 / 873 / 00 / 0212474
2012-07-02 00:51:42
apso 37m29s
SentinelWin7 / 8 / 628 / 00 / 010916
2012-07-01 23:51:30
apso 38m7s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 0004
2012-07-02 00:08:32
sdso 49m21s
ScourgeLoss6 / 8 / 556 / 00 / 0084064
2012-06-30 02:54:15
apso 45m8s
ScourgeWin12 / 7 / 1094 / 00 / 0138152
2012-06-30 01:36:40
apso 41m11s
SentinelLoss8 / 6 / 764 / 00 / 00016I0P1
2012-06-30 02:09:44
apso 28m20s
ScourgeWin3 / 12 / 364 / 00 / 0311294
2012-06-30 00:54:36
apso 14m1s
ScourgeWin3 / 3 / 114 / 00 / 0000
2012-06-30 00:40:40
apso 31m15s
SentinelLoss1 / 3 / 650 / 00 / 000454
2012-06-29 01:55:18
apso 40m15s
ScourgeLoss2 / 14 / 1268 / 00 / 0080
2012-06-29 02:15:40
sdso 20m57s
ScourgeWin0 / 0 / 25 / 00 / 00022
2012-06-29 01:18:03
apso 26m51s
SentinelLoss1 / 4 / 317 / 00 / 00016
2012-06-29 00:49:59
apso 40m25s
SentinelWin1 / 7 / 680 / 00 / 0131198
2012-06-29 00:17:11
apso 24m4s
SentinelLoss2 / 1 / 928 / 00 / 000358
2012-06-28 23:41:25
sdso 42m34s
SentinelWin3 / 11 / 395 / 00 / 0002305
2012-06-27 02:11:27
apso 44m37s
ScourgeWin4 / 15 / 755 / 00 / 0032478
2012-06-27 00:38:40
apso 41m22s
ScourgeLoss0 / 1 / 46 / 00 / 0006
2012-06-27 00:55:16
apso 31m56s
ScourgeLoss3 / 2 / 821 / 00 / 00014
2012-06-27 00:46:00
apso 33m37s
ScourgeWin1 / 2 / 122 / 00 / 00020
2012-06-27 01:24:48
apso 43m46s
SentinelLoss5 / 6 / 789 / 00 / 003376
2012-06-24 22:52:22
apso 40m27s
SentinelWin2 / 0 / 225 / 00 / 000321