, прохождение игры James Cameron's Avatar: The Game, Prison Break: The Conspiracy для Xbox 360, Advent Rising официальный сайт

Статистика игр DotA пользователя kosmos95
-apso mode-arso mode-sdso mode
Hero Kills475--
Creep Kills6045--
Creep Denies0--
Tower Kills72--
Total Gold126532--
Последние игры пользователя kosmos95
GameWinnerResultKills / Assists / Deaths Creep Kills / DeniesCourier Kills / DeathsTower KillsNeutral KillsGoldItemsHero
2012-05-11 14:10:36
apso 25m12s
ScourgeWin1 / 3 / 515 / 00 / 00080
2012-05-10 16:07:22
apso 32m12s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 40 / 00 / 000660
2012-05-10 12:16:48
apso 10m19s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 31 / 00 / 000462
2012-05-05 12:04:18
apso 50m28s
ScourgeWin4 / 9 / 646 / 00 / 0261412
2012-05-04 16:08:19
apso 38m48s
ScourgeWin10 / 5 / 262 / 00 / 0138
2012-05-04 15:28:28
apso 1m32s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 000603
2012-04-27 18:00:27
apso 55m58s
SentinelLoss5 / 11 / 10137 / 00 / 0011223
2012-04-23 18:34:53
apso 46m48s
ScourgeWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00022
2012-04-23 18:21:53
apso 42m41s
SentinelLoss0 / 2 / 810 / 00 / 00018
2012-04-23 17:56:20
apso 26m23s
ScourgeLoss0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 0002665
2012-04-23 17:39:49
apso 0m46s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 000603
2012-04-23 17:10:21
apso 12m30s
ScourgeWin4 / 4 / 111 / 00 / 0000
2012-04-23 17:28:57
apso 29m9s
ScourgeWin2 / 3 / 433 / 00 / 010203
2012-04-22 06:29:46
apso 34m5s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 41 / 00 / 00014
2012-04-16 14:08:19
apso 47m17s
ScourgeWin2 / 4 / 637 / 00 / 01011
2012-04-15 13:48:55
apso 1m52s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 000118
2012-04-05 09:05:16
apso 52m58s
ScourgeWin17 / 13 / 2116 / 00 / 0273787
2012-04-02 14:31:33
apso 51m17s
SentinelLoss2 / 7 / 6158 / 00 / 0117288
2012-04-02 12:51:17
apso 44m46s
ScourgeWin5 / 5 / 551 / 00 / 02012
2012-04-02 12:05:45
apso 0m46s
ScourgeWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 000853
2012-04-02 12:03:57
apso 2m57s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 000133
2012-03-28 19:44:43
apso 49m27s
SentinelLoss6 / 11 / 1652 / 00 / 000764
2012-03-28 18:51:40
apso 49m6s
ScourgeWin16 / 6 / 4128 / 00 / 0835782
2012-03-28 18:49:28
apso 38m10s
SentinelLoss0 / 0 / 30 / 00 / 0001675
2012-03-22 16:22:11
apso 49m20s
SentinelLoss4 / 4 / 520 / 00 / 01018
2012-03-21 16:08:47
apso 33m35s
SentinelLoss2 / 3 / 156 / 00 / 0001554
2012-03-21 15:02:59
apso 29m21s
ScourgeWin1 / 6 / 243 / 00 / 014103
2012-03-21 14:58:35
apso 45m56s
SentinelLoss0 / 4 / 68 / 00 / 00019
2012-03-21 14:11:48
apso 44m5s
ScourgeWin13 / 4 / 1134 / 00 / 0365447
2012-03-21 13:55:32
apso 26m56s
SentinelWin0 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00022