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Warcraft 3 TFT 1.13 English

Размер файла: 15.63 Мб
Количество скачиваний: 3285
Дата добавления: 17 декабря 2003 в 12:33
Добавил: Drug-it
Changes in The Frozen Throne version 1.13


Acts II & III, the conclusion acts to the bonus Orc campaign contained in The Frozen Throne, are included in this patch. To play these levels, you can simply click the "Chapter Two - Old Hatreds" link from the Bonus Campaign screen. If you have completed Act I, your Heroes will carry over to Act II. Otherwise, your Heroes will be default-level Heroes with basic starting items.

Warcraft III now supports binding an email address to your account, so that you can recover your password at a later stage, similar to the functionality that was added to D2.

Race selection on the scheduled game dialog (tournament finals) is now saved for future scheduled games.


Expansion - Frozen Throne

(2)Tirisfal Glades - Red creep camp a bit easier; lowered the level of item drop from 7 to 5.

(2)Glacial Thaw - Switched the start locations to face the center of the map. Lowered the level of a few creep camps; lowered the level of a few item drops.

(4)Paradise Island - Creeps are less likely to aggro passing units.

(4)Twisted Meadows - Added ground-based anti-air creep to the island. Added some trees behind the 3 o'clock start location to prevent building NE town hall behind the gold mine. Changed a level-4 drop from charged item to permanent item.

(4)Bridge Too Near - Switched start locs with the expansion gold mines.

(4)Devil's Cauldron - Lowered the total level of 4 creep camps.

(4)Turtle Rock - The two large turtles that are placed between player bases each drop a better item. Removed Rune of Lesser Healing from the expansion creep.

(4)Floodplains 1v1 - Removed the easy creep camp outside of player's base and moved it to the other easy creep camps further from the player's base.

(4)Lost Temple - Adjusted creep camps and item drops.

(4)Avalanche - Weakened the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock expansion creeps. Added a green-sized camp in place of the orange camp.

(6)Bloodstone Mesa - Moved expansion creep back. Removed Marketplace and added Tavern.

(6)Rice Fields - Changed all the randomly generated creep camps; they are a bit easier for the user now.

(6)Wellspring - Added more trees to the starting location and moved the lumber a bit closer to the town hall. Removed the east and west gate from the center and created a bit more room around the Taverns.

(6)Stranglethorn Vale - Expansion creeps are a bit easier now.

(6)Timbermaw Hold - Moved the bottom Dragon Roost creep closer together to eliminate two creep icons. Moved bottom middle start location deeper into forest to prevent the easy (green) creep camp from being nuked from start location placement. Same change to the bottom left position. Added a tree to the hole in the forest at the top left position to prevent units from getting stuck when portaling home.

(8)Friends - Changed drop item classification from 'any' level-6 items to 'charged' level-6 items.

(8)Feralas - Removed some creep camps to help the flow of the game.

(8)Rock Quarry - Added some trees to several start locs that needed more lumber. Added ground-based anti-air to the center of the map.

(8)Mur'gul Oasis - Added another 1500 gold to the starting locations.

(8)Deathknell - Removed the center creep camp and neutral building.

(8)Plains of Snow - Moved Teal's easy creep camp farther away to prevent them from being nuked at the start of the game.

(8)Garden of War - Moved Yellow's easy creep camp to prevent them from being nuked at the start of the game.

(8)Battleground - Moved 12 o'clock easy creep camp further away from start location to prevent them from being nuked at the start of the game.

Classic - Reign of Chaos

(2)Plunder Isle - Added some ground-based anti-air units to the Dragon camps; also added some trees to the top start location.

(4)Lost Temple - Adjusted item drop in center area. Expansion gold mines should be a bit tougher. Each player's expansion gold mine now has one melee creep. The Goblin Merchant camp is now tougher and has anti-air.



Storm Bolt stun is now 5 seconds vs. units and 3 seconds vs. Heroes at all levels. Previously, it had this level of stun at level 1, but went up 2 seconds vs. units and one second vs. Heroes each level. Additionally, level-2 and level-3 damage are now 225 and 350, respectively.

Militia can now only be created from a player's starting Town Hall, but they can still be created from any of the player's Keeps or Castles.

Blizzard is now damage capped. This damage cap is invoked when Blizzard hits more than 5 targets per wave.

Scout Tower hp reduced to 300 from 500, and armor reduced to 0 from 5.

Human towers now gain 2 armor per masonry upgrade, up from 1.

Banish has been reworked. Previously durations were 12(5) / 24(7) / 36(9) by level, and mana costs were 75/50/25 by level. Instead, its mana cost is now constant at 75 mana; its cooldown decreases with level (5 / 3 / 1); and its durations only slightly improve with level (12(4) / 15(5) / 18(6)).

Siphon Mana maximum range reduced to 800 from 850.

Flying Machine hit points increased to 200 from 175.

Holy Light mana cost reduced to 65 from 75.


Web upgrade cost increased to 150/150 from 75/75.

Spirit Touch now restores 3 mana per casting, down from 4.

Possession has been reworked. It is now a channelled spell with a 4 1/2 second casting duration. During this time, the target is disabled and frozen into place, but is also invulnerable; and the Banshee takes triple damage from all attacks. Stunning or killing the Banshee that is casting Possession will cause the spell to abort. Additionally, the range of Possession has been increased to 350 from 200.

Anti-magic Shell has been redesigned. The spell now absorbs the first 350 points of spell or magic damage dealt to the target, but does not grant magic immunity. Note that spells absorbed by AMS can still deal secondary effects, such as stun, paralysis, or mana drain. Also the mana cost of AMS has been re-balanced to 150.


Troll Batrider Unstable Concoction damage reduced to 550 from 900, and splash damage increased to 140 from 100.

Troll Batrider damage increased to 13-15 from 11-12.

Level-1 Spirit Wolves now move at speed 320, down from speed 350.

Level-3 Spirit Wolves now have 500 hit points, up from 400 hit points.

Damage sustained over Spirit Link is now never fatal. Fatal damage sustained via Spirit Link instead reduces a unit to 1 hit point, and dispels Spirit Link.

Stasis Trap area of effect reduced to 400 from 500.

Shockwave now has a damage cap of roughly 12 units affected. Note that this limit will not typically be reached except in team games.

Night Elf

Shadow Strike level-1 DoT damage reduced to 10 per period, down from 15.

Detonate mana drain reduced to 50 from 100.

Druid of the Claw caster upgrade times reduced to 25 seconds and 35 seconds respectively, down from 45 seconds and 1 minute.

Dryad damage increased to 17-19 from 16-18.

Glaive Thrower damage changed from 39-50 to 36-53.

Eating trees now heals 500 hit points over 30 seconds, up from 200 hit points over 10 seconds.

Neutral Buildings, Units and Heroes

Beastmaster Strength reduced to 22 from 25, and base armor reduced to 2 from 3.

Anti-magic Potion duration increased to 15 from 10.

Healing Wards and Ankh of Reincarnation are now level-4 items (down from 5).

Red Drake Egg, Stone Token and Spiked Collar are now level-5 items, up from level 4.

Level-2 hawk hit points reduced to 450 from 625, and level-3 hawk hit points reduced to 650 from 875.

Breath of Fire and Drunken Haze mana costs reduced to 70 from 75.

Naga Sea Witch speed reduced to 300 from 320.

Frost Arrows mana cost is now 10 per shot, up from 7 per shot.

Pit Lord footprint, or collision size, has been reduced to 32 from 48. This means that he takes up less space on the battlefield.

Rain of Fire is now damage capped. This damage cap is invoked when Rain of Fire hits more than 5 targets per wave.

Level-1 Black Arrow no longer has a cooldown, but level-1 Minion damage reduced to 9-10 from 14-15.

Cleave attack splash radius increased to 200 from 150.

Dragonspawn Meddlers have been rebalanced to correctly reflect their food, level and gold cost. They now have 370 hit points, down from 500 hit points, and deal 12-13 damage, down from 21-25 damage.

Mercenary Barbed Arachnathids are now available at the start of the second day, instead of very early in the game.

Creep Bloodlust mana cost increased to 75 from 50.

Creeps with Faerie Fire always use the creep version of Faerie Fire now. Additionally, creep Faerie Fire cooldown increased to 8 from 5.

Creep Curse cooldown increased to 8 from 5.

Thunder Lizard cost increased to 6 food from 5, and 150 lumber from 80 lumber.


We have made modifications to how gold is mined. Although these changes are somewhat difficult to describe, the effect is that in almost all cases, 5 peons are required for an Orc or Human to mine a gold mine at maximum efficiency (assuming the town hall equivalent is as close as possible).

Replenishment Potion can now be sold to a shop for 75 gold, down from 200 gold.

Sentry Wards now have 2 charges, down from 3.

Anti-magic Potion duration increased to 15 from 10.

Orb of Fire cost reduced to 300 from 375.

Orb of Venom cost reduced to 325 from 375.

Healing Wards and Ankh of Reincarnation are now level-4 items (down from 5).

Red Drake Egg, Stone Token and Spiked Collar are now level-5 items, up from level 4.

Staff of Preservation cost reduced to 150 from 200.

Staff of Preservation no longer affects allied units--it now can only affect its owner's units.

Staff of Sanctuary now heals 15 hp/sec, up from 10 hp/sec.


We have made modifications to how gold is mined. Although these changes are somewhat difficult to describe, the effect is that in almost all cases, 5 peons are required for an Orc or Human to mine a gold mine at maximum efficiency (assuming the town hall equivalent is as close as possible).

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