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Warcraft 3 RoC 1.14 (English)

Размер файла: 15.43 Мб
Количество скачиваний: 264
Дата добавления: 9 января 2004 в 03:36
Добавил: Timon
Patch 1.14:


Fixed an issue that caused Scroll of Town Portal to always place your units

to the lower right side of your town hall instead of the location you clicked.

Fixed an issue that caused a unit to permanently lose 75% of its attack speed

if it was Polymorphed while under the effects of Unholy Frenzy.

Fixed an issue that caused the Call to Arms command not to work if you clicked

the button an EVEN number of times.

Fixed an issue with Hero and unit ability orders in which, under certain conditions,

ability orders would not be dispatched properly, causing "lag" or


Balance Changes

Neutral Units

Summoned Treants no longer give large gold bounties.


Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.13 replays cannot be

viewed with the 1.14 version of Warcraft III).

Patch 1.13b:


Fixed an issue related to copy protection.


We are aware of some new issues that came up with the release of the 1.13 patch.

We will be releasing a 1.14 patch in the near future that addresses some of

these issues, including:

Custom save games from version 1.12 (including those from Orc Act I) incorrectly

recognize Hero Agility, causing slow attack speeds after the 1.13 patch is applied.

This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.

Town Portal always places your units to the lower right side of your town hall

instead of the location you clicked, as it previously did. This will be fixed

in the 1.14 patch.

If you research the Skeletal Mage upgrade, then you will no longer be able to

use the Raise Dead skill on the corpses inside a Meat Wagon. This will be fixed

in the 1.14 patch.

When a unit with Unholy Frenzy is Polymorphed or Hexed, the unit permanently

loses 75% of its attack speed. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.

If an Orc player uses the spell Spirit Link, and one of the linked units is

a Troll Berserker with the Berserk ability active, then all units linked with

that Troll will take the increased damage penalty associated with the Berserk

ability. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.

If a unit casting a channeling spell dies from Mana Flare, the channeled spell

lingers in the area permanently. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.

The Call to Arms command does not work if you click the button an EVEN number

of times. This will be fixed in the 1.14 patch.

Any other confirmed issues that we can fix in time for the release of the 1.14


Regarding balance, we are currently assessing the state of balance of 1.13 based

on user feedback, online testing, and the review of replays. Although we will

make some number of balance changes in 1.14, these have yet to be determined.

We appreciate the community’s patience and support in our endeavor to

further tune the play balance, enhance the feature set, and increase the stability

of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Patch 1.13:


Warcraft III now supports binding an email address to your account

so that you can recover your password at a later stage, similar to the functionality

that was added to D2.


(2)Plunder Isle - Added some ground-based anti-air units to the Dragon camps;

also added some trees to the top start location.

(4)Lost Temple - Adjusted item drop in center area. Expansion gold mines should

be a bit tougher. Each player's expansion gold mine now has one melee creep.

The Goblin Merchant camp is now tougher and has anti-air.



Storm Bolt stun is now 5 seconds vs. units and 3 seconds vs. Heroes at all levels.

Previously, it had this level of stun at level 1, but went up 2 seconds vs.

units and one second vs. Heroes each level. Additionally, level-2 and level-3

damage are now 225 and 350, respectively.

Blizzard is now damage capped. This damage cap is invoked when Blizzard hits

more than 5 targets.

Holy Light mana cost reduced to 65 from 75.


Stasis Trap area of effect reduced to 400 from 500.

Shockwave now has a damage cap of roughly 12 units affected. Note that this

limit will not typically be reached except in team games.

Night Elf

Detonate mana drain reduced to 50 from 100.

Eating trees now heals 500 hit points over 30 seconds, up from 200 hit points

over 10 seconds.

Neutral Buildings and Units

Creep Bloodlust mana cost increased to 75 from 50.

Creeps with Faerie Fire always use the creep version of Faerie Fire now. Additionally,

creep Faerie Fire cooldown increased to 8 from 5.

Creep Curse cooldown increased to 8 from 5.

Thunder Lizard cost increased to 6 food from 5, and 150 lumber from 80 lumber.


Sentry Wards now have 2 charges, down from 3.

Anti-magic Potion duration increased to 15 from 10.

Healing Wards and Ankh of Reincarnation are now level-4 items (down from 5).

Red Drake Egg, Stone Token and Spiked Collar are now level-5 items, up from

level 4.


We have made modifications to how gold is mined. Although these changes are

somewhat difficult to describe, the effect is that in almost all cases, 5 peons

are required for an Orc or Human to mine a gold mine at maximum efficiency (assuming

the town hall equivalent is as close as possible).



Map-specific option for game data set to be used (custom vs. melee).

Model selection dialog now includes all doodad/destructible variations.

Added preference for "Automatically zoom Previewer to fit new models"

(Visual tab).

Added "Advanced->Reset Fixed Object Heights" option. (Turn off

to preserve any fixed object heights [set via ctrl-page up/down] while moving


Increased maximum texture space for tilesets (was 12, now 13).

Trigger Editor

Increased maximum length of trigger comments (was 640, now 2048).

"Event Response - Triggering Player" is now valid during "Dialog

- Dialog Button Click" events.

Added special doodad animation tags "show" and "hide".

Added Map Flag value "Observers on defeat".

Sound Editor

Added Edit->Find command (works on sound/music list and variable list).

Object Editor

Option to sort objects by name only (View->Sort Objects By Name).

Holding down Shift while modifying a numerical value will disable all min/max

limits for that field (use with caution; this can potentially crash the game!).

Tech Item dialog allows selection of special multi-unit "Equivalents"

(any Altar, etc.).

New unit fields for tier-based tech tree requirements.



Item Tables dialog is accessible from Unit Properties dialog.

Pre-placed summoned units count towards creep camp minimap icons.

"Extra->Cinematic Arthas" model file reference is invalid.

Game lock-up when decreasing level of "Attribute Bonus" ability.

Excessive performance loss when units and start locations overlap.

Doodad "fixed height" status is not preserved across undo operations.

Pre-placed random units may have their team color set to red in game, regardless

of owner.

Unit Properties dialog does not display mana value for buildings with mana.

Moving a start location which is on top of another start location can cause

duplicate start locations.

Random Group references used for dropped items are not displayed properly in

the Object Manager.

View menu does not always refresh properly after changing layers.

Advanced->Adjust Cliff Levels does not adjust water height along withterrain.

Trigger Editor

Unit event "Uses an item" does not fire for items with unlimited charges.

Attempting to enable a trigger does not properly validate that the trigger script


Action "Skip Remaining Actions" can cause compile errors if used as

a parameter to another function.

"Event Response - Target Point Of Issued Order" becomes reset after

a "Wait" action.

Function menu appears in the dialog for setting variable initial values.

"Automatically create unknown variables when pasting" option does

not work for "Set Variable" actions.

Deleting functions may corrupt the strings within other "cut" functions

(manifest after pasting).

"Event Response - Learned Skill Level" result is off by one for all

levels greater than one.

Variables dialog sorting by Initial Value does not sort properly.

Map Flag value "Observer chat" is obsolete and causes compile errors.

Sound Editor

There is no way to remove imported sounds.

Object Editor

Custom "Required Animation Names" values do not display properly in

the editor (works in game).

Character limit on extended tooltip fields is too small (was 300, now 1024).

Custom values of "Techtree - Requirements - Levels" field are not

loaded properly in game.

Hotkey field not allowed to be empty.

Changing an object "category" does not automatically refresh the field

list, if necessary.

"Stats - Build Time" values less than 8 cause Heroes to be unable

to revive.

Object tabs do not always refresh properly after importing "all" object

data file.

Buildings with no pathing map crash the game.

Auto Fill dialog allows any character for hotkey fields.

"Art - Scaling Value" is not applied to building placement cursor

in game.

Pasting "True" values over "False" values does not work.


Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.12 replays cannot be

viewed with the 1.13 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games will not load

from version 1.12.

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