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Warcraft 3: TFT 1.14b English

Размер файла: 15.63 Мб
Количество скачиваний: 2974
Дата добавления: 14 января 2004 в 14:16
Добавил: Timon
Patch 1.14:


Fixed an issue with custom save games from version 1.12 (including those from

Orc Act I) so Hero Agility is recognized properly. Attack speeds will now be

correct when loading from a previous save game.

Fixed an issue that caused Scroll of Town Portal to always place your units

to the lower right side of your town hall instead of the location you clicked.

Fixed an issue with the Skeletal Mage upgrade that prevented the Raise Dead

skill from working on the corpses inside Meat Wagons.

Fixed an issue that caused a unit to permanently lose 75% of its attack speed

if it was Polymorphed or Hexed while under the effects of Unholy Frenzy.

Fixed an issue with Spirit Link in which, if one of the linked units was a Troll

Berserker with the Berserk ability active, all units linked with that Troll

would take the increased damage penalty associated with the Berserk ability.

Fixed an issue in which, if a unit casting a channeling spell died from Mana

Flare, the channeled spell would linger in the area permanently.

Fixed an issue that caused the Call to Arms command not to work if you clicked

the button an EVEN number of times.

Fixed an issue with Hero and unit ability orders in which, under certain conditions,

ability orders would not be dispatched properly, causing "lag" or


Fixed an issue that caused Glaive Throwers to lose damage when the Vorpal Blades

upgrade was researched.

Balance Changes


Anti-magic Shell cost reduced to 100 from 150, and hit points absorbed reduced

to 300 from 350.

Night Elf

Mana Flare area-of-effect damage radius reduced to 200 from 250.

Neutral Units and Heroes

Nerubian Webspinners now cost 200/35/3, up from 175/25/2.

Stampede damage reduced from 80 per beast to 60 per beast.

The Beastmaster bear's Bash ability now stuns Heroes for 1 second instead of

2 seconds.

Summoned Treants no longer give large gold bounties.


Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (1.13 replays cannot be

viewed with the 1.14 version of Warcraft III).

Patch 1.13:


Acts II & III, the conclusion acts to the bonus Orc campaign contained in

The Frozen Throne, are included in this patch. To play these levels, you can

simply click the "Chapter Two - Old Hatreds" link from the Bonus Campaign

screen. If you have completed Act I, your Heroes will carry over to Act II.

Otherwise, your Heroes will be default-level Heroes with basic starting items.

Warcraft III now supports binding an email address to your account,

so that you can recover your password at a later stage, similar to the functionality

that was added to D2.

Race selection on the scheduled game dialog (tournament finals) is now saved

for future scheduled games.


Expansion - Frozen Throne

(2)Tirisfal Glades - Red creep camp a bit easier; lowered the level of item

drop from 7 to 5.

(2)Glacial Thaw - Switched the start locations to face the center of the map.

Lowered the level of a few creep camps; lowered the level of a few item drops.

(4)Paradise Island - Creeps are less likely to aggro passing units.

(4)Twisted Meadows - Added ground-based anti-air creep to the island. Added

some trees behind the 3 o'clock start location to prevent building NE town hall

behind the gold mine. Changed a level-4 drop from charged item to permanent


(4)Bridge Too Near - Switched start locs with the expansion gold mines.

(4)Devil's Cauldron - Lowered the total level of 4 creep camps.

(4)Turtle Rock - The two large turtles that are placed between player bases

each drop a better item. Removed Rune of Lesser Healing from the expansion creep.

(4)Floodplains 1v1 - Removed the easy creep camp outside of player's base and

moved it to the other easy creep camps further from the player's base.

(4)Lost Temple - Adjusted creep camps and item drops.

(4)Avalanche - Weakened the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock expansion creeps. Added

a green-sized camp in place of the orange camp.

(6)Bloodstone Mesa - Moved expansion creep back. Removed Marketplace and added


(6)Rice Fields - Changed all the randomly generated creep camps; they are a

bit easier for the user now.

(6)Wellspring - Added more trees to the starting location and moved the lumber

a bit closer to the town hall. Removed the east and west gate from the center

and created a bit more room around the Taverns.

(6)Stranglethorn Vale - Expansion creeps are a bit easier now.

(6)Timbermaw Hold - Moved the bottom Dragon Roost creep closer together to eliminate

two creep icons. Moved bottom middle start location deeper into forest to prevent

the easy (green) creep camp from be

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