, Sacred 2: Падший Ангел mod, патч для DmC: Devil May Cry, Ghost of Moscow: Death to Spies видео

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos v1.19a

Размер файла: 15.44 Мб
Количество скачиваний: 651
Дата добавления: 20 сентября 2005 в 14:23
Добавил: Chosenone
Новый патч версии v1.19a для Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Заплатка вносит в игру просто огромное количество изменений, с полным списком которых вы можете ознакомиться ниже.


- (2)PlunderIsle

o Added ground anti-air creep to both center goldmines.

o Added ground anti-air creep to both center Goblin Merchants.

- (6)ScrochedBasin

o Removed center creep camp and neutral building

o Reduced the creep level of the two center goldmines from a Red camp to

Green camps.

o Opened up all choke points on the map.

o Added trees to all start locations to ensure better balance with all races.

- (8)GolemsInTheMist

o Removed the center creep and Neutral building.

- (8)PlainsOfSnow

o 3 of the 4 center goldmine creep camps dropped a level 5 charged item,so I

fixed it so all 4 drop a level 5 charged items.

o Added a Goblin Merchant between Teal and Purple start location. Also

increased the item drop to level 3 charged item instead of level 2 charged


o Added a Goblin Merchant between Pink and Green start location. Also

increased the item drop to level 3 charged item instead of level 2 charged



- Creep-dropped item sell prices have been standardized. Items of the same

level will now always sell for the same amount.

- Ensnare duration reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.


Trigger Editor

- The "Image" category and actions now appear after the "Item" category.

- The "Ubersplat" category and actions now appear after the "Unit Group"


- Fixed script generation errors when using the "Terrain Pathing Is Off"

function. This is now a Boolean function.

- Fixed script generation errors when using variables of the following types:

o Attack Type

o Combat Sound

o Damage Type

o Effect Type

o Pathing Type

o Sound Type

- Sorted lightning type presets.

- Appended "Cliff" to cliff terrain types, to distinguish them from non-cliff

terrain types.

- Renamed "Life Drain" and "Mana Drain" to "Drain Life" and "Drain Mana",


- Cleaned up the name, grammar text, hints and/or sorting order for the

following trigger functions/calls:

o (Boolean) Environment - Terrain Pathing Is Off (was Terrain Pathable)

o (Unit) Event Response - Damage Source

o (String) Game - Ability Name

o (String) Game - Ability Effect Art Path (was Ability Effect Art)

o (String) Game - Ability Effect Sound Name (was Ability Sound)

o (String) Hero - Hero Proper Name

o (String) Trigger - Trigger Name

o (Real) Lightning - Red Color of Lightning

o (Real) Lightning - Green Color of Lightning

o (Real) Lightning - Blue Color of Lightning

o (Real) Lightning - Alpha Value of Lightning (was Alpha Color of Lightning)

- Cleaned up the name, grammar text, hints and/or sorting order for the

following trigger actions:

o Environment - Change Terrain Type

o Environment - Turn Terrain Pathing On/Off (was Turn Pathing On/Off)

o Floating Text - Suspend/Resume

o Floating Text - Permanent/Expires

o Floating Text - Change Color

o Floating Text - Change Lifespan

o Floating Text - Change Fading Age (was Change Fadepoint)

o Floating Text - Change Age

o Game - Enable/Disable Selection (was Enable/Disable Select)

o Game - Enable/Disable Drag-Selection (was Enable/Disable Drag Select)

o Game - Enable/Disable Pre-Selection (was Enable/Disable Pre Select)

o Image - Create

o Image - Change Color

o Image - Change Render State

o Image - Change Render Always State

o Image - Change Above Water State

o Lightning - Create Lightning Effect (was Create Lightning Effect At Points)

o Lightning - Move Lightning Effect (was Move Lightning Effect To Points)

o Lightning - Set Lightning Effect Color

o Unit - Add Classification

o Unit - Remove Classification

o Unit - Issue Drop Item Order (was Drop Item On A Point)

o Unit - Issue Move Item In Inventory Order (was Drop Item In Slot)

o Unit - Issue Give Item Order (was Drop Item On A Unit)

o Unit - Damage Area

o Unit - Damage Target

o Unit - Decrease Level Of Ability For Unit

o Unit - Increase Level Of Ability For Unit

o Unit - Set Level Of Ability For Unit

o Ubersplat - Create

o Ubersplat - Change Render State

o Ubersplat - Change Render Always State

- Added an event and three new trigger functions for future tournament support:

o (Trigger Event) Tournament Event

o (Real) Tournament Time Remaining

o (Integer) Tournament Melee Score

o (Integer) Tournament Finish Rule



- Image: Category and actions now appear after the "Item" category.

- Ubersplat: Category and actions now appear after the "Unit Group" category.


- Terrain Type: Appended "Cliff" to the cliff texture names, to distinguish

them from non-cliff textures.

- Lightning Type: Sorted them. Renamed "Life Drain" to "Drain Life". Renamed

"Mana Drain" to "Drain Mana".


- Attack Type: Fixed script generation errors when used for variables.

- Combat Sound: Fixed script generation errors when used for variables.

- Damage Type: Fixed script generation errors when used for variables.

- Effect Type: Fixed script generation errors when used for variables.

- Pathing Type: Fixed script generation errors when used for variables.

- Sound Type: Fixed script generation errors when used for variables.


- (Integer) Terrain Pathable: Clarified name and grammar text, added hint,

fixed script generation errors. This is now a Boolean function.

- (Unit) Damage Source: Now appears in the correct place in the list of unit


- (String) Ability Name: Changed category, now appears in the correct place in

the list of string functions.

- (String) Ability Effect Art: Clarified name and grammar text, added hint, now

appears in the correct place in the list of string functions.

- (String) Ability Sound: Clarified name and grammar text, now appears in the

correct place in the list of string functions.

- (String) Hero Proper Name: Added hint, now appears in the correct place in

the list of string functions.

- (String) Trigger Name: Now appears in the correct place in the list of string


- (Real) Alpha Color of Lightning: Changed category, clarified name, added

hint, now appears in the correct place in the list of real functions.

- (Real) Red Color of Lightning: Changed category, added hint, now appears in

the correct place in the list of real functions.

- (Real) Green Color of Lightning: Changed category, added hint, now appears in

the correct place in the list of real functions.

- (Real) Blue Color of Lightning: Changed category, added hint, now appears in

the correct place in the list of real functions.


- Terrain-Type Comparision: Removed the dash from the name for consistency.


- Environment - Change Terrain Type: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Environment - Turn Pathing On/Off: Clarified name and grammar text, changed


- Floating Text - Suspend/Resume: Clarified grammar text.

- Floating Text - Permanent/Expires: Clarified grammar text.

- Floating Text - Change Age: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Floating Text - Change Color: Clarified hint.

- Floating Text - Change Lifespan: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Floating Text - Change Fadepoint: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Game - Enable/Disable Select: Clarified name and grammar text, added hint.

- Game - Enable/Disable Drag Select: Clarified name and grammar text.

- Game - Enable/Disable Pre Select: Clarified name and grammar text.

- Image - Create: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Image - Change Color: Added hint.

- Image - Change Render State: Clarified grammar text.

- Image - Change Render Always State: Clarified grammar text.

- Image - Change Above Water State: Clarified grammar text.

- Lightning - Create Lightning Effect At Points: Clarified name and grammar


- Lightning - Move Lightning Effect: Clarified name and grammar text.

- Lightning - Change Lightning Effect Color: Clarified name and grammar

text,added hint.

- Unit - Add Classification: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Unit - Remove Classification: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Unit - Drop Item On A Point: Clarified name and grammar text.

- Unit - Drop Item In Slot: Clarified name and grammar text, added hint.

- Unit - Drop Item On A Unit: Clarified name and grammar text.

- Unit - Damage Area: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Unit - Damage Target: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Unit - Decrease Level Of Ability For Unit: Clarified grammar text and hint.

- Unit - Increase Level Of Ability For Unit: Clarified grammar text and hint.

- Unit - Set Level Of Ability For Unit: Clarified grammar text and hint.

- Ubersplat - Create: Clarified grammar text, added hint.

- Ubersplat - Change Render State: Clarified grammar text.

- Ubersplat - Change Render Always State: Clarified grammar text.

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