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Warcraft 3 1.21a English

Размер файла: 15.07 Мб
Количество скачиваний: 10241
Дата добавления: 23 января 2007 в 14:47
Добавил: Chosenone
Патч вносит в игру следующие изменения:


* The game now runs natively on both PowerPC-based and Intel-based Macs.

* Player can now view frames per second using the "/fps" chat command.


* Fixed a timing problem with the game on PCs with dual-core CPUs.

* Fixed a crash that could occur with the Frost Breath ability.

* Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games.

* Fixed an exploit that could happen in multiplayer games.


New Maps:

* (2)SecretValley

* (6)BomberCommand

Map Changes:

* (4)LostTemple (RoC)

o The 4 Forest Troll Berserkers by the natural expansions now drop Level 2 Permanent instead of Level 2 Charged items.

* (4)TurtleRock

o The 4 Ogre Warriors along the outer pathways now drop Level 2 Permanent instead of Level 2 Charged items.

* (6)GnollWood

o The 4 Gnoll Brutes by the central Item Shops now drop Level 2 Permanent instead of Level 2 Charged items.
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