Warcraft 3 "Rubattle.net Dota 3x3 -sd Summer 2020 Tournament" 4,090KB
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Warcraft 3 "Набор карт Crisis (БагатыеРудники) v.1.0 от Мав Исяня" 9,696KB
Warcraft 3 "Rubattle.net Warcraft 3 TFT 1x1 Random Races Tournament 2020" 2,344KB
Warcraft 3 "Ragnarok" 1,058,343KB
Warcraft 3 "Rubattle.net WarCraft 3 TFT 1v1 Tournament 2020" 4,092KB
Warcraft 3 "Набор карт IllusionIsla (БагатыеРудники) v.1.0 от Мав Исяня" 17,738KB
Warcraft 3 "Набор карт Kel'Thuzad'sMannor (БагатыеРудники)v.1.0 от Мав Исяня" 16,759KB
Warcraft 3 "Защита базы с выбором персонажа сложные Триггеры" 70KB
Warcraft 3 "Hunter or Victim 0.92 Rus" 7,992KB
Warcraft 3 "TFT подборка 25 карт [Awesomealldays] (Rus|Verm)" 82,629KB
Warcraft 3 "Набор карт Crisis (БагатыеРудники) v.1.0 от Мав Исяня" 9,696KB
Warcraft 3 "Rubattle.net Warcraft 3 TFT 1x1 Random Races Tournament 2020" 2,344KB
Warcraft 3 "Ragnarok" 1,058,343KB
Warcraft 3 "Rubattle.net WarCraft 3 TFT 1v1 Tournament 2020" 4,092KB
Warcraft 3 "Набор карт IllusionIsla (БагатыеРудники) v.1.0 от Мав Исяня" 17,738KB
Warcraft 3 "Набор карт Kel'Thuzad'sMannor (БагатыеРудники)v.1.0 от Мав Исяня" 16,759KB
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В Warcraft 3 отсутствует озвучка во время кат сцен (русская версия) (5)
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Я всегда выгоняю его, но он возвращается с новым аккаунтом (3)
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DotA Allstars
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Dota Allstars V6.43b Aiplus V1.4 (с ботами)
Неофициальная версия Dot'ы с ботами
I have done everything to release it in April, but this is just what i have done.
-"-tm","-testmode" added, Test Mode -> grants all single player abilities (like -gold, -refresh) plus more
-"-mc","-msupercreeps" added, Modified Super Creeps
-all ai commands can be started with either "-o", "-c" or " c" (exception: -aid)
-"-oneut" - turns ally neutral creeping on/off (default: on)
-"-oauto" - turns auto lane changing on/off (default: on)
-"-ob" now asks bots to stay back
-"-of" asks bots to go to fountain (was "-ob")
-"-osd", Stay To defend - asks bots to stay on the base to defend, they do not leave the base until you ordered them to attack
"-oui" - command dialog
-Each hero has 2 possible item builds
-Basic ward/gem usage
-"-hm" is now "-st","-supertower"
-"-sa" is replaced by "-he","-highexp". This is to prevent confusion form Cloud_str's -sa, which granted abilities than extra exp/gold. The gold bonus from this mode is removed.
-"-hg","-highgold" now has the bonus gold.
-"-ally"/"-foe" is replaced by "-pa"/"-pe" which resembles Cloud_str's manualpick
-added special AI support to item drop mode, also fixed Mirror mode
-uses Tango instead of Flasks
-ai commands that asks for a player number does not require 2 digit numbers, and one can input more than 1 number by using "," (exception: -cs)
-more proactive escape scripts
-focus at mid lane is reduced
-fixed bug about unneeded buying (reviving) of heroes
-AI has a slight chance to be confused from images
-higher neutral creeping rates, they would now also attack more creepcamps
-many changes/fixes to item builds, skill builds and skill usage for many heroes
(с) lazy fiend.
Комментарии пользователей:
I have done everything to release it in April, but this is just what i have done.
-"-tm","-testmode" added, Test Mode -> grants all single player abilities (like -gold, -refresh) plus more
-"-mc","-msupercreeps" added, Modified Super Creeps
-all ai commands can be started with either "-o", "-c" or " c" (exception: -aid)
-"-oneut" - turns ally neutral creeping on/off (default: on)
-"-oauto" - turns auto lane changing on/off (default: on)
-"-ob" now asks bots to stay back
-"-of" asks bots to go to fountain (was "-ob")
-"-osd", Stay To defend - asks bots to stay on the base to defend, they do not leave the base until you ordered them to attack
"-oui" - command dialog
-Each hero has 2 possible item builds
-Basic ward/gem usage
-"-hm" is now "-st","-supertower"
-"-sa" is replaced by "-he","-highexp". This is to prevent confusion form Cloud_str's -sa, which granted abilities than extra exp/gold. The gold bonus from this mode is removed.
-"-hg","-highgold" now has the bonus gold.
-"-ally"/"-foe" is replaced by "-pa"/"-pe" which resembles Cloud_str's manualpick
-added special AI support to item drop mode, also fixed Mirror mode
-uses Tango instead of Flasks
-ai commands that asks for a player number does not require 2 digit numbers, and one can input more than 1 number by using "," (exception: -cs)
-more proactive escape scripts
-focus at mid lane is reduced
-fixed bug about unneeded buying (reviving) of heroes
-AI has a slight chance to be confused from images
-higher neutral creeping rates, they would now also attack more creepcamps
-many changes/fixes to item builds, skill builds and skill usage for many heroes
(с) lazy fiend.
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