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Old School Gaming [OsG]

Creation Date: 2012-Oct-09
Total Members: 17 Player(s)

Rank Player Name Joined Last Online
chieftain OsG.Bot_ 2012-Oct-17 4477 days, 4 hours
shaman Ch1korito.Kv 2012-Oct-12 3887 days, 12 hours
shaman AchtungSmeh 2012-Oct-14 4337 days, 14 hours
shaman DeadReckoning 2012-Dec-27 4355 days, 19 hours
shaman OsG.48ru 2012-Oct-14 4391 days, 2 hours
shaman PRO100_TW1STED 2012-Nov-26 4485 days, 6 hours
shaman 48ru.Makcum 2012-Oct-29 4499 days, 16 hours
grunt lenTupoH 2012-Oct-10 17 hours, 10 mins
grunt restmon 2012-Oct-14 3717 days, 6 hours
grunt Actckiy 2012-Nov-01 4303 days, 6 hours
grunt mundolf 2012-Oct-12 4526 days, 12 hours
grunt Vizza 2012-Oct-10 4541 days, 6 hours
grunt OsG.Rays 2012-Oct-18 4547 days, 11 hours
grunt OsG.Just 2012-Oct-09 4547 days, 12 hours
grunt OsG.Leader 2012-Oct-09 4548 days, 3 hours