, патч для Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation, русификатор для Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, Quantum of Solace: The Game для PlayStation 2

(-KIndlY-DomInatIoN)202 [Wc3L]

Creation Date: 2022-Dec-06
Total Members: 83 Player(s)

Rank Player Name Joined Last Online
shaman p4tch2.0 2023-Apr-30 691 days, 2 hours
grunt Yonic_Maraz 2025-Mar-14 6 days, 21 hours
grunt Ordenador_ia 2024-Oct-31 83 days, 21 hours
grunt OnlyUnd 2024-Nov-08 86 days, 5 hours
grunt warSOK 2024-Nov-02 97 days, 3 hours
grunt Senior-Herbert 2024-Oct-31 111 days, 8 hours
grunt kokkinakis09 2024-Nov-05 127 days, 4 hours
grunt beginnerelf 2024-Nov-08 139 days, 23 hours