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Pro Ice Escapers [PrIE]

Creation Date: 2009-Oct-17
Total Members: 62 Player(s)

Rank Player Name Joined Last Online
chieftain BBcode 2009-Oct-17 1671 days, 22 hours
shaman Vampu 2018-Oct-31 37 days, 21 hours
shaman Azke 2009-Nov-07 3708 days, 1 hour
grunt laittkira 2018-Feb-08 16 hours
grunt _Winston 2018-Oct-19 21 days, 16 hours
grunt Dr_Hippi 2018-May-08 39 days, 22 hours
grunt evgesha...... 2018-Jan-22 434 days, 17 hours
grunt gnus2 2020-Jul-25 613 days
grunt SpicePirate 2018-Oct-28 654 days, 15 hours
grunt Igill 2018-Feb-05 705 days, 3 hours
grunt docadota47 2018-Jan-27 1300 days, 17 hours
grunt sosisok 2018-Feb-05 1541 days, 15 hours
grunt Assasins99 2018-Jan-30 1577 days, 10 hours
grunt koceruba2004 2018-Jan-09 1584 days, 20 hours
grunt TbIKBAC 2017-Dec-19 1659 days, 14 hours